World Labyrinth Day


……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Saturday 2 May 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… A labyrinth is an ancient form of spiritual exercise.   Emily Simpson initiated the building of a beautiful sandstone labyrinth in Sydney’s Centennial Park. It took a dedicated team over three years to get the approval, create the design, quarry the stone and lay over 1700 stones in an intricate pattern based on the iconic design in Chartres Cathedral.  As she explains it, a labyrinth is not  a maze: A lot of people don’t know what a labyrinth is, they confuse it with a maze, and they’re actually two very different things. A maze usually has hedges or walls and lots of … [Read more...]

ISCs out as training package development “marketised”

Training packages

DET | 21 April 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… The federal government has outlined a new, contestable model of training product development. Previously the province of 12 Industry Skills Councils, the development of training packages will now be put out to tender. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… The government will invite proposals for new Skills Service Organisations (SSOs) which will be funded to provide input to broader Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) which will be the main conduit for engagement with industry. Membership and oversight of the IRCs will fall to ministers with responsibility for skills under the newly-created Australian Industry and … [Read more...]

ACPET clears Evocca – with conditions

ACPET | 29 April  2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Following allegations about Evocca College on the ABC 7.30 program in early March, the Australian Council for Private Education and Training (ACPET), the peak body for the private training sector, formally asked Evocca College to provide evidence against the allegations that had been made and issued a show cause letter as to why Evocca's membership of ACPET should not be terminated.  The threat of termination has now been withdrawn in the light of Evocca's "detailed responses to ACPET's concerns" which ACPET says showed that there is no evidence that Evocca acted contrary to legislation or policy.  However, Evocca has been … [Read more...]

VET: the good, the bad and the unlikely


AEU     |    30 April 2015 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The Abbott Government has been erratic in vocational education, as in many other areas, in its first 18 months of office, writes Gavin Moodie, on the Australian Education Union's Stop TAFE Cuts website. It started badly with early decisions to reduce quality controls, appoint supporters to key government advisory posts and further cut unions from contributing to policy on vocational education. These decisions seemed to have been driven more by ideological fervor and rewarding party supporters than evidence of what is good for vocational education, its students and the interest groups which governments these days … [Read more...]

Australian unis rate highly

The Australian     |     30 April 2015 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Dispelling a year of gloomy predictions of poorer international competitiveness, Australia’s higher education system has come third on a ranking based on performance across 36 disciplines, behind only the US and Britain and equal to Germany. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….................................... Australian universities also came in third place based on institutions in top 50 positions in the 2015 QS World University Rankings by Subject. Australian National University topped the list of 29 local universities qualifying for the ranking, with four disciplines being scored among the … [Read more...]

An abomination


The Indonesian authorities are about to execute - that is, judicially kill - 9 people by firing squad. Each of these people will be tied to a plank, offered a blindfold and, from a distance of 5 to 10 metres, 12 members of a firing squad will aim at a target over the heart of each of the 9 people.   That's twelve firing squad members for each of the 9 people - 108 shooters in all.   At the drop of a sword..... The official script is that each of the shooters has been provided with counselling beforehand and they will be provided with counselling after the event.   And any concern over their participation  in this "event"  can always be assauged by the fact that only 3 of each 12 … [Read more...]

ACPET National Monday Update Edition 601, 27 April 2015

  In Focus This week sees a very different focus ACPET undoubtedly has taken a strong position regarding the quality of our members and the importance of private tertiary education. We are passionate supporters of a quality tertiary education sector. While it is always difficult to spot whether we are making a difference, I get the sense it just might be. Last week I attended the Australia Japan Business Spotlight VET Showcase Mission in Japan. The event was introduced by Bruce Gosper, CEO Austrade, the Ambassador to Japan His Excellency Bruce Miller and the Hon Steven Ciobo MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and … [Read more...]