The Scan’s year


Summer edition 2016 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Scan in 2015 This year’s top ten reads were heavily skewed towards the “VET crisis” and attempts by authorities (rather belatedly in our view) to stamp out the obvious rorting, particularly in VET FEE-HELP funding, which has been truly scandalous. In fact, the number one post this year on The Scan is also the number one post of all time and by quite a bit. If you enter “rorting” in the … [Read more...]

The Scan in 2015

 26 December 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… On account of other pressing matters in 2015 published editions of The Scan, with a completely refreshed front page heralded to subscribers by an e-newsletter, were down quite a bit – just 21 in 2015 compared to 40 in in 2014. Nevertheless, some 350 items were posted, which is about 8 a week in The Scan’s year, a little down on the 10 items posted a week last year. Traffic to the Scan website remained strong, down about 20% on last year’s figures. The Scan’s now extensive archive of nearly 3000 posts creates “organic” traffic: over one third of all Scan traffic now flows from search engines and referrals. Regular readers will have … [Read more...]

Rebalancing VET in Victoria

VET cover

Review proposes "a more managed,sustainable training system" 16 December 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… The Victorian government has released the Final Report of The VET Funding Review (Mackenzie Report).  It’s a weighty document, both literally and figuratively, running to 173 pages and 109 recommendations. Skills minister Steve Herbert says the government accepts the “general thrust” of the report and its recommendations.  It will take the next year to work through design and implementation issues and to consult with stakeholders ahead of the introduction of a new funding model in 2017.  Certain matters, however, are given, such as restoring the public provider network … [Read more...]

Vic VET review due

Major shake up of "open market" foreshadowed The Australian      |     15 December 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… The Mackenzie review of Victoria’s VET funding is to be released tomorrow (16 December 2015), with more than 100 recommendations in what is certain to be a major shake-up of Victoria’s open training market. …………………………………………………………………………………….......…… The Australian reports that the review will recommend private colleges be made to report their finances to the state’s ­Auditor-General, similar to public TAFEs and universities. It would be the first step towards creating a sector-wide classification system based on a college’s finances and capabilities. The … [Read more...]

Once was TAFE

8 December 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… There’s been a growing chorus of outrage over the looting of VET FEE-HELP by a handful of VET providers, coupled with disbelief that the government and regulatory agencies could have had such lax safeguards as to allow this to happen. It was all perfectly predictable. On 29 April 2012, The Scan published Once was TAFE, a commentary on the then Victorian government’s introduction of so-called “competitive neutrality” in the public funding of VET. It’s a piece that has stood the test of time. It does beggar belief that having been witness to the chaos that was occurring in the Victorian system courtesy of open access to funding and … [Read more...]

Vic TAFE enrolments hit 5 year low

VET student enrolments

Fairfax Media     |    28 October 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… The latest Victorian training market half year report shows a marked decline in government subsided training, with 12% fewer enrolments in 2015 compared to the same time in 2014. TAFE enrolments were at their lowest point in five years. …………………………………………………………………………………….......…… The report attributes the decline as likely due to a decline in foundation studies by 42% to 29,731 enrolments and a decline in traineeships by 34% to 20,258 enrolments. Private training providers now capture 59% of government-subsidised enrolments, up from 21% in 2010. This compares with a 27% share for TAFEs, down from 49% in … [Read more...]

The Scan # 173 22 July 2015

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ News __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Vic international strategy directions  21   July 2015    |   The Victorian government has released a discussion paper on international education as part of its $200 million Future Industries Fund. The paper covers all three education sectors (higher education, VET and schools).  It proposes nine strategic directions, including developing more markets to reduce reliance on the two traditionally big markets of … [Read more...]

Victorian Vet Funding Review – Executive Summary – Issues Paper


16 July 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Consistent with the Terms of Reference, the Review assumes that a contestable system will continue and will need to operate within the existing budget. If properly implemented, contestability has the ability to drive innovation, efficiency and improvement, and empower students and industry to choose their training and provider. …………………………………………………………………………………….......…… Funding should be targeted towards education and training that is high quality, meets Government’s objectives, and is delivered by capable providers. The design of the system should place greater emphasis on quality and less emphasis on the number of providers. A … [Read more...]

Victorian VET Issues Paper


16 July 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… The Victorian VET Funding Review has released an Issues Paper, ahead of making its final report to the Victorian government, due at the end of August. While it argues that TAFE needs greater support, the Review is operating on the premise that a contestable system will continue and will need to operate within the existing budget.  The paper observes that, if properly implemented, contestability has the ability to drive innovation, efficiency and improvement, and empower students and industry to choose their training and provider. …………………………………………………………………………………….......…… The VET Funding Review was an election commitment by the Andrews … [Read more...]

TDA Newsletter 29 June 2015

Withdrawal fees banned for courses Fees imposed on students wishing to withdraw from courses will be banned, under changes announced by the Assistant Minister for Education and Training Senator Simon Birmingham. “From 1 July 2015, if a student wants to withdraw from training on or before the census date, a provider will no longer be able to charge a withdrawal fee or place some other administrative barrier in the way of the student,” he said. It means a VET provider: Must not have financial, administrative or other barriers that prevent a student from withdrawing from a VET unit of study on or before the census date; Must ensure that where a student notifies the VET provider of … [Read more...]