Universities Australia News

UA News

A spirit of optimism has buoyed the sector in recent months. We anticipate a further boost to confidence with the Turnbull Government's release of its Innovation and Science Agenda. For this HIGHER ED.ITION, we’ve invited opinion pieces from some key figures across the sector. Stay tuned for others early next year. In one of his first opeds in the portfolio, Education Minister Simon Birmingham lays out some key challenges: how to fund higher education sustainably, how to stimulate even more excellence and innovation, how to expand the impact of publicly-funded research, and how to reach a consensus on the higher education needs of students, industry and institutions. In his contribution, … [Read more...]

Universities warned to brace for funding cut

The Australian     |     1 July 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Universities have been warned their funding will be cut by 20% almost immediately, an average of $32 million a university, if the government can get its higher education reform package through the Senate by the end of the year. The legislation,  rejected by the Senate in March, was due to be reintroduced during the budget sittings of Parliament  but has been left to "lie fallow" as education  minister Christopher Pyne presumably cultivates the Senate crossbenchers.  Most informed commentary is that the legislation has little prospects of passing in its present form.   So will the government amend the bill? … [Read more...]

Go8 Newsletter June 2015

Go8 June

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Deregulating university fees “not essential” – new UA chair

Barney Glover

Fairfax Media     |   31 May 2015 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………  Deregulating university fees is not essential for Australia to have a sustainable and high quality university sector, according to the new chairman of peak body Universities Australia, Barney Glover. …………………………………………………………………………………….......…… Glover, who is the University of Western Sydney vice-chancellor, said the university funding debate must focus on the "compelling case" for increased government investment – not just requiring students to pay more for a degree. In an interview with Fairfax Media marking his arrival at Universities Australia, he also queried the effectiveness of Labor's proposal … [Read more...]

High Wired

The Australian      |    21 May 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… The Scan always checks The Australian's  offbeat but always insightful High Wired for its take on higher education issues.  The edition of 21 May is a particularly informative one. Here are snippets. …………………………………………………………………………………….......…… Cutting to the chase Amid all the welcoming noises about education minister Christopher Pyne’s review of the research training sector, HW was relieved to see the Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations finding a different narrative. They made the (obvious) point that the review comes as the government is cutting the research training scheme by 10 per cent — … [Read more...]

ACPET comment on 2015 Budget

ACPET Monday Update | 18 May 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… There was very little mention of post school education and training. There were however a number of announcements that impact on private providers of education and training. …………………………………………………………………………………….......…… These include: Visa Applications costs to increase by either the level of the CPI, 5% or 10%. Reduced taxation and incentives for small business. Obviously this is a positive outcome for our smaller providers. Higher Education reforms. The various releases from the Government have reinforced the Government position that it will continue to make significant investment to strengthen … [Read more...]

ACPET National Monday Update Edition 604, 18 May 2015

In Focus Good Morning Everyone Rod was away for most of last week and he asked me to step in to provide an update on the week. No doubt you are all aware we had a federal budget brought down last week. There was very little mention of post school education and training. There were however a number of announcements that impact on private providers of education and training. These include: Visa Applications costs to increase by either the level of the CPI, 5% or 10%. Reduced taxation and incentives for small business. Obviously this is a positive outcome for our smaller providers. Higher Education reforms. The various releases from the Government have reinforced the … [Read more...]