TAFE NSW apologises to students for enrolment delays caused by new software

ABC News     |     12 March 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… An apology has been issued by TAFE NSW for enrolment delays, with many students yet to enrol and pay for their courses more than a month into the start of the term. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… The head of TAFE NSW has apologised for the delays caused by new software and a change to the fee structure under the State Government's "Smart and Skilled" reforms. In a message on the TAFE NSW website, managing director Pam Christie said: We are currently modernising and upgrading our enrolment systems and adjusting to new fee and eligibility criteria.  Staff across our TAFE NSW institute network … [Read more...]

TDA Newsletter 9 February 2015

Birmingham says quality the top issue in the VET sector The Assistant Minister for Education and Training Senator Simon Birmingham has hinted at a further crack down on rogue training providers. In his first major address in the portfolio, Senator Birmingham said initial consultation with stakeholders had, almost universally, identified the issue of quality as the number one concern. “It is evident that more needs to be done to stamp out sharp practice among dodgy training providers. “Prohibition of inducements (such as “free” i-Pads or cash rebates), tightening of marketing practices and enhanced duty of care provisions when signing a student up to a student loan are all ideas … [Read more...]

ACPET National Monday Update 22 December 2014

In Focus Another year - another reform, A message from the Chair - Edition 585, 22 Dec I would like to comment on where our industry finds itself at the end of another year. This wonderfully diverse sector that we work in continues to perform, making real differences to the lives of Australians and our international guests. Despite this, the year has also produced many challenges. Media scrutiny of apparent unscrupulous operators has been a feature. We all know this is but a minor element of the sectors, not that some commentators have reported that.  A tremendous advantage about an education marketplace, or any market for that matter, is that they produce innovation and … [Read more...]

ACPET National Monday Update 1 December 2014

Welcome to December! Edition 582, 1 Dec It takes moments of tragedy to remind us what is precious. My absolute thoughts and condolences are extended to the family and friends of Phillip Hughes, who passed away on Thursday afternoon. A tremendous talent, and the reputation of just a very likeable young man, who has been taken away far too early. Australian Captain Michael Clarke’s show of respect to Phillip is a true testament to the deep respect held for him. From this it is quite difficult to focus on anything but our own family and friends. Christmas is almost upon us so I certainly will ensure my priorities are on the right things over the Christmas period. Congratulations to … [Read more...]

TDA Newsletter 24 November 2014

Australian Training Awards feature TAFE leaders, teachers and students The Australian Training Awards 2014 in Adelaide on Friday featured leaders, teachers and students, with a record eight major categories being awarded to TAFE. Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane with award winners Melinda Lethbridge, a Certificate III student in engineering at Swinburne University of Technology, won Apprentice of the Year. The runner-up was Mark Hardy, a Certificate III student in electrotechnology from TAFE NSW – North Coast Institute. Chisholm Institute in Victoria was awarded the Large Training Provider of the Year, ahead of finalists TasTAFE and TAFE NSW – Western Sydney … [Read more...]

ACPET National Monday Update Edition 581 24 November 2014

In Focus Well another exciting week in the amazing world of tertiary education Edition 581, 24 Nov The ACPET Board met on Friday and discussed the key issues impacting on the sector. Our aspiration and demand for quality, the critical role in informing and supporting the higher education reforms, the need for quality engagement with members and improving our services were all a key feature. The Board has approved the re-creation of three committees to ensure ACPET remains at the forefront of leadership in our diverse sector. As a key feature of our engagement framework, we will be rapidly establishing committees to oversight our direction in higher education, international … [Read more...]

ACPET National Monday Update Edition No. 580 17 November 2014

In Focus Another week beckons for the tertiary education sector Edition 580, 17 Nov The higher education reforms before the Senate remain a key focus for ACPET and its members. The Australian Financial Review Higher Education Reform saw plenty of commentary and it was pleasing to see significant support for the package of reforms, including enabling access for private higher education providers. There was recognition that by ensuring private providers get access to the Commonwealth Grant Scheme, even at reduced rates [compared with] universities, students will receive significant benefits through access to quality courses at substantially lower prices....Read … [Read more...]