Dawkins quits as chair of Vocation

Vocation graph

 The Australian    |     27 November 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… John Dawkins has resigned as chairman of troubled education group Vocation, saying shareholders want board renewal.  He has been replaced immediately by Doug Halley, who is also currently chairman of ASX-listed Duet Group. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… Last month, following a lengthy probe,  Vocation was forced to repay $19.6 m in Victorian  government VET funding over non-compliance issues and it has now emerged one of its subsidiaries  (Aspin) is the subject of  a previously undisclosed investigation by the federal skills regulator (ASQA). Vocation has also been under investigation by … [Read more...]

TAFE a substantial “public asset”

 25 November 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… As a Senate committee prepares to inquire into broad VET funding and regulatory issues, a cross-party House of Representatives committee has come out strongly in support of the TAFE sector and its unique economic and social contributions to communities.   ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… Committee chair Ewen Jones, a Liberal National Party MP, said the “intrinsic value of TAFE as an Australian asset” had been evident throughout the inquiry. “This report’s main message is a strong emphasis on the value of TAFE in the Australian community … and the committee believes the Australian government should acknowledge … [Read more...]

An open letter to Senators from Universities Australia

Universities Australia    |    24 November 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… With the higher education reform package up for debate in the Senate this week, Universities Australia has made a last pitch to Senators arguing the package should be passed with amendments to make it "fair".  The National Tertiary Education Union has countered that amendments to make the package "fairer"  will not change the fundamental unfairness of the plan to deregulate university fees to compensate for the government cutting university funding While on the numbers as they stand,  it's not looking a strong prospect for passage, a regional assistance package which guaranteed funding for the UTas … [Read more...]

New Senate inquiry into VET

Piggy bank

24 November 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… A wideranging inquiry into the regulation and funding of private vocational education and training providers is set to kick off in the Senate  amid concerns about private VET providers misusing public funding and warnings that proposed  higher education changes could see shoddy practices emerge in the higher education sector. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… The inquiry’s terms of reference, negotiated between Labor and the Greens, and apparently supported by sufficient of the cross bench to get the proposal up,  call for examining: private sector access to public funds; regulatory regimes governing the sector; … [Read more...]

TDA Newsletter 24 November 2014

Australian Training Awards feature TAFE leaders, teachers and students The Australian Training Awards 2014 in Adelaide on Friday featured leaders, teachers and students, with a record eight major categories being awarded to TAFE. Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane with award winners Melinda Lethbridge, a Certificate III student in engineering at Swinburne University of Technology, won Apprentice of the Year. The runner-up was Mark Hardy, a Certificate III student in electrotechnology from TAFE NSW – North Coast Institute. Chisholm Institute in Victoria was awarded the Large Training Provider of the Year, ahead of finalists TasTAFE and TAFE NSW – Western Sydney … [Read more...]

ACPET National Monday Update Edition 581 24 November 2014

In Focus Well another exciting week in the amazing world of tertiary education Edition 581, 24 Nov The ACPET Board met on Friday and discussed the key issues impacting on the sector. Our aspiration and demand for quality, the critical role in informing and supporting the higher education reforms, the need for quality engagement with members and improving our services were all a key feature. The Board has approved the re-creation of three committees to ensure ACPET remains at the forefront of leadership in our diverse sector. As a key feature of our engagement framework, we will be rapidly establishing committees to oversight our direction in higher education, international … [Read more...]

Australian unis rate highly

The Australian    |    19 November 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… The University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP) global ranking which rates in order 2000 universities has placed all Australian universities in the 2000 (10% of universities) ranging from the University of Melbourne at 29 to the University of Notre Dame at 1670.  URAP puts five local institutions in its top 100 and 18 in its top 500. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… In addition to Melbourne, the ranking places Sydney (30), Queensland (51), Monash (64) and University of NSW (78) in the top 100. The Australian National University, which in other ranking systems is usually close by to … [Read more...]