TDA Newsletter 2 November 2015

Prime Minister weighs into private training college scandal, while TDA calls for a freeze on VET FEE-HELP payments to risky private colleges Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has foreshadowed further measures to crack down on the activities of unscrupulous private training providers and the explosion of VET FEE-HELP. Meanwhile, TDA has called for an immediate ban on VET FEE-HELP payments to training colleges at the centre of the escalating student loan scandal. Speaking in Launceston on Friday, Mr Turnbull said students have received poor value and the government has been left with loans for courses that weren’t completed, describing it as a “shambles”. “We have made a number of … [Read more...]

NCVER news


  Are vocational streams the key to producing a more adaptable workforce? Vocational streams could offer a framework for creating better connections between qualifications and jobs than the traditional approach based on specific skill sets for narrowly defined occupations.Show more... NCVER's research prospectus is full steam ahead Through the introduction of the new research prospectus, NCVER is investing in a range of applied research issues that governments and key employer and training provider stakeholders identify as being of highest priority to them. Show more... Recognising the prior learning of adult … [Read more...]

ACPET comment on 2015 Budget

ACPET Monday Update | 18 May 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… There was very little mention of post school education and training. There were however a number of announcements that impact on private providers of education and training. …………………………………………………………………………………….......…… These include: Visa Applications costs to increase by either the level of the CPI, 5% or 10%. Reduced taxation and incentives for small business. Obviously this is a positive outcome for our smaller providers. Higher Education reforms. The various releases from the Government have reinforced the Government position that it will continue to make significant investment to strengthen … [Read more...]

ACPET National Monday Update Edition 604, 18 May 2015

In Focus Good Morning Everyone Rod was away for most of last week and he asked me to step in to provide an update on the week. No doubt you are all aware we had a federal budget brought down last week. There was very little mention of post school education and training. There were however a number of announcements that impact on private providers of education and training. These include: Visa Applications costs to increase by either the level of the CPI, 5% or 10%. Reduced taxation and incentives for small business. Obviously this is a positive outcome for our smaller providers. Higher Education reforms. The various releases from the Government have reinforced the … [Read more...]

MYEFO budget measures


ACPET    |     22 December 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… The Mid-year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO), released on 15 December, updates the economic and fiscal outlook from the budget in May.  Following is a summary prepared by ACPET of savings and expenditure measures relevant to the education, employment and training sectors. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… The Support for Adult Apprentices payment has been wound up, with loans being offered through the Trade Support Loans scheme as a replacement measure, the new Australian Apprenticeships Support Services will have reduced funding, down $30million over 4 year as a result of “streamlining” … [Read more...]

TDA Newsletter 17 November 2014

TAFE and private college higher education students meet Senate crossbenchers at Parliament House TAFE higher education students will join with students from partner colleges from the Council of Private Higher Education (COPHE), and be hosted in Parliament House, Canberra today. The special public-private higher education student event will introduce students to Senate crossbenchers, being forced to consider Education Minister Pyne’s legislation on the deregulation of higher education, and extension of Commonwealth funding for TAFE and private college students. The Chair of the Senate Committee on Education and Employment, Senator Bridget McKenzie, will host the student event, and … [Read more...]

Snapshot of vocational education and training in Australia: infographics

31 October 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… NCVER has released four infographics that provide an overview of publicly-funded training based on NCVER’s main data collections: • Students and courses – including key findings from Young people in education and training • Apprentices & trainees • VET finance • VET outcomes – drawing key findings from Student outcomes and Employers’ use and views of the VET system.   For more information go to   ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......… Students and courses This infographic provides a snapshot of Australia’s publicly funded vocational education and training sector. It presents … [Read more...]