ACPET National Monday Update – Edition 609 – 22 June 2015

In Focus The week that was...  This week saw the inaugural roundtable on international education held in Canberra. It was an opportunity for the sector to meet with a range of Ministers’ whose responsibility intersects with international education as an industry. The roundtable was attended by the Hon Christopher Pyne, Minister for Education and Training, the Hon Julie Bishop, Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Hon Ian Macfarlane, Minister for Industry and Trade, Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham, Assistant Minister for Education and Training and Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for … [Read more...]

“Sloppy practices” on international students

Fairfax Media    |     11 June 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Sloppy student services and false attendance reporting are systemic problems plaguing overseas students at private education providers, the national Overseas Students Ombudsman has revealed. …………………………………………………………………………………….......…… The Ombudsman released a new issues paper on poor compliance in the private education sector, based on 448 investigations into student complaints since the body's establishment in 2011. It warned some providers were failing to intervene with at-risk students, allowing weak students to continue to study and fail. Student absences were also being miscalculated. Providers were … [Read more...]

Degrees of Deception

 ABC TV     |      20 April 2015 Four Corners on degrees for dollars ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Australia has been gripped by a national debate over how to fund our university education. But perhaps there's a more important question: what is it worth?  A Four Corners investigation has claimed to unearth alarming new evidence of a decline in academic standards at institutions around the country. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… Lecturers and tutors are grappling with a tide of academic misconduct and pressure from faculty managers to pass weak students. Many say commercial imperatives are overtaking academic rigour. But why is this happening? As … [Read more...]

Four Corners to report on corruption in international student market

Four Corners

TDA   |    20 April 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Claims of academic fraud, and corruption in the international student marketplace are set to feature on tonight’s ABC Four Corners  (8.30 pm AEST). ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… The program, ‘Degrees of Deception’ will highlight what it describes as “alarming new evidence of a decline in academic standards at institutions around the country”. Reporter Linton Besser has also uncovered evidence of corruption among the network of overseas agents who scout for business on behalf of higher education providers. It is claimed that many international students don’t have the English language skills to … [Read more...]

TDA Newsletter 20 April 2015

Victorian TAFE sector losses worsen The financial position of Victoria’s TAFE sector has significantly worsened, according to annual reports tabled in the state parliament last week. The reports for 10 TAFE institutes show an expected operating deficit of $52.5 million for 2014, compared to an $8.9 million deficit in 2013. The Minister for Training and Skills, Steve Herbert, said that when the $44.4 million write-down of the Student Management System is added, the net result is a $96.6 million deficit. He said that the market share of TAFE had fallen to 25 per cent of the total training market. Staff numbers at the 10 TAFEs fell by 132 over the year. See the Premier’s media … [Read more...]

International education strategy released

16 April 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… The draft National Strategy for International Education released by the government in early April has been welcomed by the tertiary sector. The strategy defines three pillars of international education and six achievable goals to underpin Australia continuing to be a destination of choice for students, teachers and researchers. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… Universities Australia (UA) says the strategy has the potential to lead to the development and growth of international education in Australia. UA particularly welcomed the broad reach of the strategy into all aspects of our global teaching and research … [Read more...]

ACPET National Monday Update Edition 581 24 November 2014

In Focus Well another exciting week in the amazing world of tertiary education Edition 581, 24 Nov The ACPET Board met on Friday and discussed the key issues impacting on the sector. Our aspiration and demand for quality, the critical role in informing and supporting the higher education reforms, the need for quality engagement with members and improving our services were all a key feature. The Board has approved the re-creation of three committees to ensure ACPET remains at the forefront of leadership in our diverse sector. As a key feature of our engagement framework, we will be rapidly establishing committees to oversight our direction in higher education, international … [Read more...]