Leap second

Leap second1

ABC News    |    21 May 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… On June 30 at 11:59.59pm (GMT), an extra second will be added so the Earth's rotational spin can catch up with the world's atomic clocks. …………………………………………………………………………………….......……   But while the idea of an extra second in the day might seem small, computer security expert Dr Suelette Dreyfus warned the consequences could be significant. "The last time a leap second was added was on June 30, 2012 and that did cause some technical problems for popular websites like Reddit and Mozilla and LinkedIn," she said. "I understand that Qantas computer systems went down for a period of time partially because … [Read more...]

Shift happens

Deloitte 2

 14 May 2015 Redefining education   ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Digital technology has changed how society relates to knowledge. Deloitte’s Australian Centre for the Edge has investigated how this change in our relationship with knowledge might affect the education sector. Its White Paper, Redefining Education, released on 11 May , explores the future of the education sector and what it means to be ‘educated’. …………………………………………………………………………………….......…… Digital technology has changed how society relates to knowledge. Deloitte’s Australian Centre for the Edge has investigated how this change in our relationship with knowledge might affect the education sector. Its White … [Read more...]

Chubb releases national science strategy

Ian Chubb

Chief Scientist's Office     |   2 September 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Chief Scientist Ian Chubb has released his recommendations for a strategic approach to science and its related fields. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… Speaking at its release at Parliament House, Chubb said that his strategy report Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics: Australia’s Future outlines what needs to be done  to build a stronger, more competitive Australia. Science is infrastructure and it is critical to our future. We must align our scientific effort to the national interest; focus on areas of particular importance or need; and do it on a scale that will … [Read more...]

Smarter cities, cheaper tablets…


3 January 2014 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...from expanded connectivity, drones and patent wars to cheaper tablets, monster games and smart wearables, and a bubble in "cryptocurrencies", The Guardian previews likely directions in technology in 2014. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... This is the year … [Read more...]

Pay up or your data dies

Crypto Locker2

5 December 2013A new virus has arrived that will take your data hostage and promise to give it back if you pay a ransomDevastating malware that makes users' computer files unreadable until they pay a hefty ransom has begun infiltrating Australian computers after wreaking havoc in Britain and the US. The so-called "ransomware", known as CryptoLocker, silently encrypts files on Windows computers, along with files on any connected network storage or USB devices, rendering them unreadable. Once the encryption process finishes, it tells users to pay a ransom, equivalent to between$300-600.Although CryptoLocker itself is readily removed, files remain encrypted in a way which researchers have … [Read more...]

The Australian Higher Education Supplement 2 October 2013

This is The Australian‘s own summary of lead items in its online edition. As this is a subscription service, you or your organisation will need to have a subscription to The Australian to view the full article. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Facebook offensive misses target Bernard Lane UNIVERSITIES are dramatically increasing their use of social media, but a new survey suggests their efforts might be all in vain. FedUni opens for business Andrew Trounson FEDUNI, as Australia's newest university is being tagged, was officially launched … [Read more...]

The Australian Higher Education Supplement 18 September 2013

This is The Australian‘s own summary of lead items in its online edition. As this is a subscription service, you or your organisation will need to have a subscription to The Australian to view the full article. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Coalition spreads workload John Ross TONY Abbott has structured his government for a hands-off approach to tertiary education and research. Student protest over Taib plaza Kylar Loussikian STUDENTS at the University of Adelaide will agitate for the renaming of a plaza that honours one of Malaysia's most … [Read more...]