The Scan’s most viewed posts 2013


15 December 2013In 2013, over 700 items were posted on The Scan (down from about 900 in 2012).   There were some surprises.   Theshortobituary on Peter Redlich attracted a surprising number of views because he died suddenly (although he'd been ill for some time), being Jewish, he was buried within 24 hours and a full obituary wasn't published for some weeks, so as word spread, people ended up at The Scan via search engines.  An increasing amount of traffic comes to The Scan by way of search engines:  The Scan "archive" of items is now approaching 2000 (it totals more than posts of over 1600 because a post may contain several items).   The Scan of 22 March 2012  is a perennial favourite by … [Read more...]

Campus Review 27 May 2013

This is Campus Review's own summary of lead items in its online edition. As Campus Review is a subscription service, you or your organisation need to have a subscription to Campus Review to view the full article. All non subscribers to Campus Review can have access to a free online trial offer provides free online access to the website for 28 days. ___________________________________________________________________________________  Casualisation a “dirty secret” Casualisation of the workforce is “the dirty little secret of university expansion”, the National Tertiary Education Union has told the public parliamentary hearings into insecure employment bill. The union, speaking at the … [Read more...]

Skills far “outweighed” by schools & uni funding

TDA logo

TDA  Media   |     14 May 2013 TAFE Directors Australia (TDA) has welcomed Federal Budget 2013 allocations for a limited scheme for alternate skills pathway courses, with $97 million set aside for technical and trade qualifications, led by industry. The Budget confirmed funding for National Entitlement to Training, guaranteed under the National Partnership for Skills and Workforce Development  with reward funds of $1.75 billion for states and territories. That COAG Agreement on ‘Entitlement’ had earlier been signed by the Prime Minister with state and territory Premiers and First Ministers, in April 2012. The Budget flagship for post-secondary funding remains Commonwealth higher … [Read more...]

Abbott to unveil Coalition’s higher education policy & Bowen to debut at UA conference

The Leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott has accepted an  invitation to address the Universities Australia conference and will use the opportunity to unveil the Coalition’s higher education policy.The new Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and Research, the Hon. Chris Bowen MP will deliver the opening keynote address, his first major speech on higher education. Other key speakers include Chair, ANU Crawford Institute of Public Policy, Dr Ken Henry AC; Chief Executive, Business Council of Australia, Jennifer Westacott; Vice-Chancellor, London Metropolitan University, Professor Malcolm Gillies; and President, Indiana University, Professor Michael … [Read more...]

The thing about fees….

Dollar notes

7 February 2013 The Review of Base Funding was charged with, among other things, determining an appropriate “balance of resources” to be contributed by Government, students and others, in a way that would to ensure that fees do not constitute a barrier to participation.  While the review found that the “average level of base funding per place should be increased”, a hard pressed Commonwealth government rejected this – and ruled out any increase in fees. The government has also ruled out  fiddling with reintroducing enrolment caps, although from time to time former minister Chris Evans seemed to be mulling it over.  Ditto the opposition, which ruled out fiddling with both fees and … [Read more...]

Uni Australia begins staking out the election

Universities Australia Media Centre     |    30 January  2013 Universities Australia (UA) has welcomed the early announcement of the 2013 election date on the basis that certainty ends uncertainty. UA also pointed to the focus in the Prime Minister’s National Press Club address on the importance for Australia's future of `winning the education race': I believe in this as a moral cause - a crusade - but I also believe that our future prosperity is inextricably linked to us winning the education race. I will fight to get this done. Belinda Robinson, Chief Executive of Universities Australia observed that a central task of government is to lift national productivity and increase … [Read more...]

Davis goes in to bat for humanities

The Australian    |    29 November 2012 Melbourne University's humanitarian vice-chancellor Glyn Davis has defended funding for the humanities, arguing in an email sent to all staff that “discovery, by definition, means embracing the unknown”. Davis says “only a fraction” of Australian Research Council funding goes to the humanities after opposition finance spokesman Andrew Robb said that in a tight fiscal environment, it is critical that Canberra put a premium on quality when it comes to supporting research.  According to Davis the “principle of discovery crosses disciplines”. As we discuss this important topic, we need to retain a sense of proportion.  Only a fraction — around 1%— … [Read more...]

Class warriors take on poor schools with education cuts

Budget cuts

The Conversation     12 September  2012 Our Liberal-run states are locked into a self-made and self-fulfilling prophesy of budgetary crisis. It seems that running a deficit budget which is at the heart of liberal Keynesian economic theory is anathema today to Victoria, NSW and Queensland state treasurers. And if a state needs to cut its budget you might assume it would look at non-essential services, such as the state promotion and marketing budget or support for major private corporate events such as horse racing. But what do Queensland and NSW do? Well conservative voters have private health cover and their children attend independent schools so they attack the essential services … [Read more...]

Some Vic TAFE facts and figures

1 September 2012 Victorian government spokespeople constantly assert that the  "Victorian government is directing an extra $1 billion over the next four years into the state’s training system."   That's true only if you look at it from the perspective of what was expected in 2008 - that is, about 4 years ago.  The assertion also simply ignores the actual $290 million cut in annual funding to the public TAFE institutes, as the "fix" to explosive and unsustainable growth in funding to private providers.  The following points have been published by the Victorian TAFE Association, which remains unchallenged. Government subsidies surged from a projected (in 2008) $900 million in 2011 to an … [Read more...]

Liberals plan on higher degree of debt pain for university students

Budget cuts 2

Courier Mail   26 August 2012 Tony Abbott's budget razor gang is considering plans to charge students more for university degrees and introduce a new cap on university places. As the Coalition searches for budget savings, sources have confirmed "all options" are on the table including calls for a 25 per cent increase to university HECS fees. The price of a medical degree would rise to over $73,000 under a 25 per cent increase while a law degree would rise to $48,936. But experts argue it would have little impact on enrolments because students know they would not be forced to start repaying HECS loans until their salary exceeded $50,000. Crucially, the plan to increase HECS … [Read more...]


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