Victoria’s “lunch club” scandal


The Age    |    3 May 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Readers outside Victoria will not know much about this scandal unfolding before the Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption (IBAC). But for anyone who is, or has been, involved in the Victorian education sector the revelations are gob-smacking. It's a story of greed, graft and betrayal by certain senior officials who have, for more than a decade, been looting the schools education budget, to the tune of millions of dollars. As the hearings are only in their early stages, who knows where it will end up: there are over 40 more witnesses to be examined. This report in The Age, which has been instrumental in exposing this … [Read more...]

Focus to shift to school trade training

The Australian  |     7 March 2014 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The Abbott government will encourage more students to undertake school-based apprenticeships and move away from the focus on higher education, in a dramatic change in approach from Labor. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Assistant Education Minister Sussan Ley said the number of people achieving formal trade qualifications was far too low and there was an overwhelming belief across schools, industry, trainers and governments that the national framework for vocational education and training in schools should be modernised. Ms Ley has told TAFE Directors Australia that new careers advice would be … [Read more...]

The first School in the Cloud opens


2 January 2014 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Located inside George Stephenson High School in Killingworth, England, this one-room learning lab is a space where students can embark on their own learning adventures, exploring whatever questions most intrigue them. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Students even … [Read more...]

FactCheck: is Australian education highly equitable?

The Conversation    |    5 December 2013 “The OECD says that we are a high equity nation in terms of our students… I don’t believe there is an equity problem in Australia.” – Education Minister Christopher Pyne, Lateline interview, 26 November 2013. In the heat of political tensions around school funding, Education Minister Christopher Pyne has been forced to respond to longstanding debates about equity in Australian education. On ABC’s Lateline last week, Pyne said Australia is a “high equity nation” according to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). He also said he does not believe there is “an equity problem” in our country. So what does the OECD … [Read more...]

Latest PISA results ‘cause for concern’

PISA Infographic

ACER News    |     3 December 2013   Australian mathematics and reading achievement in decline    |     Significant gaps in student achievement by gender, Indigenous status, location and wealth  A report released  by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) reveals the mathematics and reading skills of Australian 15-year-olds have slipped backwards over the past decade.  Releasing the report, PISA 2012: How Australia measures up, ACER’s Director of Educational Monitoring and Research, Dr Sue Thomson said, Despite still performing above the OECD average, Australia’s backwards slide in achievement shows that there is some cause for concern. The 2012 Programme for … [Read more...]

PISA infographic

PISA Infographic

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The impact of school academic quality on low socioeconomic status students

NCVER | 20 August 2013 This paper uses data from the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY) to investigate the impact of academic school quality on student outcomes. A companion paper by Gemici, Lim and Karmel (2013) describes the measure of school quality used in this paper. In particular, this paper examines the interactions between students’ individual socioeconomic status(SES), their academic achievement at age 15 years and the academic quality of the school they attend and school completion, tertiary entrance rank (TER) and university participation. This paper explores whether students from low socioeconomic backgrounds benefit to a greater or lesser extent from attending … [Read more...]