NCVER news


  Are vocational streams the key to producing a more adaptable workforce? Vocational streams could offer a framework for creating better connections between qualifications and jobs than the traditional approach based on specific skill sets for narrowly defined occupations.Show more... NCVER's research prospectus is full steam ahead Through the introduction of the new research prospectus, NCVER is investing in a range of applied research issues that governments and key employer and training provider stakeholders identify as being of highest priority to them. Show more... Recognising the prior learning of adult … [Read more...]

TDA Newsletter 27 July 2015

COAG lays groundwork for Commonwealth takeover of VET Federal and state leaders have agreed to consider a proposal to shift responsibility for vocational education and training (VET) from the states to the Commonwealth. Last week’s COAG leaders retreat in Sydney, comprising the Prime Minister, state premiers and chief ministers issued a Communiqué outlining plans to consider a historic change in VET governance. “Leaders agreed to consider a shift in responsibility for VET to the Commonwealth provided States and Territories could elect to remain TAFE providers within a national system,” the Communiqué said. At a news conference, South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill said: “We've … [Read more...]

ACPET National Monday Update 27 July 2015

In Focus CEO Update  COAG appears to be in the early stages of conversations about a Commonwealth ‘take over’ of the system. This is no doubt timely as the current approach, with different arrangements, settings and priorities in each jurisdiction fails the common sense test. The current arrangements are fragmented, confusing and lack any sense of national direction and I look forward to the policy discussion (if I can find it) to take a new approach forward.  This of course won’t happen quickly. We therefore can not sit by and wait for others. There is much we can do now to protect the integrity of our qualifications. Quality remains the single most important focus for all … [Read more...]

Leadership changes at Evocca

Craig White

22 July 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… After becoming embroiled in controversy over some of its marketing practices, Evocca College has restructured its Executive Leadership Team with the appointment of Craig White as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective as of 1 July 2015, following the decision of former Managing Director Robert Gordon to step down from this role and focus on his Board position. …………………………………………………………………………………….......…… The position of Chief Financial Officer (CFO), which is currently held by Mr White will be filled by KPMG Director David Schweitzer, effective as of 3 August 2015. An experienced and respected finance industry figure, Mr White has … [Read more...]

The Scan # 173 22 July 2015

VET matters

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ News __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Vic international strategy directions  21   July 2015    |   The Victorian government has released a discussion paper on international education as part of its $200 million Future Industries Fund. The paper covers all three education sectors (higher education, VET and schools).  It proposes nine strategic directions, including developing more markets to reduce reliance on the two traditionally big markets of … [Read more...]

Vic international strategy – Executive Summary

21 July 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… The Victorian government has proposed new avenues to grow the state’s international education sector.  It has released a discussion paper on international education as part of its $200 million Future Industries Fund. …………………………………………………………………………………….......…… The Victorian Government has identified international education as a growth sector vital to the future economic prosperity of Victoria and a source of future employment for Victorians. This recognises the centrality of international education to this Government's vision that Victoria becomes the Education State. International education has stood as Victoria’s largest services … [Read more...]

Vic international education strategy – strategic directions

21 July 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… The following  summary of the paper's suggested strategic directions outline how economic development and job creation in the international education sector could be optimised by supporting the sector to increase its competitiveness.  …………………………………………………………………………………….......…… Strategic Direction One: A long-term approach to market-development Victoria’s two biggest markets are China and India, from which almost 50 per cent of onshore international students are drawn. Significant numbers of students are also attracted from South East Asian countries, in particular, Malaysia and Vietnam. This provides a strong base to consolidate … [Read more...]