This is Campus Review's own summary of lead items in its online edition. As Campus Review is a subscription service, you or your organisation need to have a subscription to Campus Review to view the full article. All non subscribers to Campus Review can have access to a free online trial offer provides free online access to the website for 28 days. ___________________________________________________________________________________ $200m has been restored to Vic TAFEs Victorian TAFEs will get $200 million to support innovation and structural reform, but the NTEU says the money doesn’t even cover recent funding cuts. Victorian premier Denis Napthine and state minister for higher … [Read more...]
TDA Newsletter 18 March 2013

Improved quality regulatory platform recommended by National Skills Standards Council The National Skills Standards Council (NSSC) has launched its Position Paper on the standards for the regulation of VET. NSSC Chair, the Hon John Dawkins AO, when interviewed by media last week, indicated that continuing problems with rogue providers “at the fringe” of the vocational education and training sector made it mandatory to recommend a fresh approach to registration standards for all public and private training. This was one of three options offered by the NSSC. The Position Paper forms the basis of a wide-ranging review of the standards for the regulation of VET, focusing on issues of … [Read more...]
Australian Financial Review Education Supplement 18 March 2013
This is the Australian Financial Review's own summary of lead items in its online edition. As this is a subscription service, you or your organisation will need to have a subscription to The Australian Financial Review to view the full article. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Canberra runs ruler over teacher reform Nothing gets universities going like a perceived threat to their autonomy and we have just seen it again in their response to teacher training reforms announced recently by the NSW Education Minister Adrian Piccoli. But a lifeline for opponents of the move came last week from the … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update 18 March 2013
Hysteria or well founded concerns? At the same time that I've been accused of acting hysterically (on the basis of the media release we issued last week following the proposed changes to the VET Quality Framework), I've also been dealing with distressed, frustrated and worried providers alarmed by the impact of the proposed ASQA fee increases and the NSSC proposals on their livelihoods.... Read more National NSSC proposed VET Standards and ASQA fees - do you understand what the changes mean for your RTO? 18 Mar In this series of member only information sessions, Claire Field, ACPET’s CEO is presenting a summary of the proposed NSSC changes to the national quality … [Read more...]
The Scan Main Edition 18 March 2013

# 110 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Education as a pathway out of social exclusion Social exclusion is a complex concept. In Educating oneself out of social exclusion, Heilke Buddelmeyer and colleagues examine the many dimensions of social exclusion and particularly focus on the positive role that education and training can play in overcoming it. They find that social exclusion is much more than being on a low income; education is a ‘powerful marker’, and this gives policy-makers a strong incentive to find ways of reducing the number of people who leave school before Year 12....[READ … [Read more...]
Regional unis set out election agenda

RUN Newsroom | 13 March Regional Universities Network (RUN) Chair Professor David Battersby launched a policy statement on March 13 –Smarter Regions, Smarter Australia – which details a variety of ways in which government can unlock the full human potential of regional Australia. Two-thirds of the nation’s economic assets and productive activity located outside Australia’s capital cities, along with one-third of the population. Battersby says that the economic, social, cultural and environmental development of Australia will be enhanced by further building human, social and cultural capital, employment, entrepreneurship, productivity and industry diversification within … [Read more...]