The Scan | Edition # 159


8  August 2014 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thought bubble on patents not such a bright idea 8 August 2014    |    A suggestion by industry minister Ian Macfarlane – which he admitted to be a kind of “thought bubble” - that research funding should be linked to how many patents universities register would only encourage the filing of “junk” patents as the system is gamed, according to research consultant and Howard-government science adviser Thomas Barlow. Macfarlane said that using patent activity could better align university research with industry needs. … [Read more...]

Thought bubble on patents would skew research and lead to gaming

The Australian      |     8  August 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… A suggestion by industry minister Ian Macfarlane – which he admitted to be a kind of “thought bubble” - that research funding should be linked to how many patents universities register would only encourage the filing of “junk” patents as the system is gamed, according to research consultant and Howard-government science adviser Thomas Barlow. . ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Macfarlane said that using patent activity could better align university research with industry needs. Currently block funding of $1.7 billion a year is largely driven by the number of research papers published in academic … [Read more...]

The Scan # 149 15 May 2014

___________________________________________________________________________________________ ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… Higher education Higher education spending will rise appreciably in 2014-15, from $8.7 billion to $10.9 billion (25%), with the extension of the demand driven system to sub-bachelor places and non-university higher education providers. Modest further growth is forecast out to 2017-18, to $11.8 billion (9%). The key elements of higher education spending in the 2014-15 Budget, according to Universities Australia. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… Extending the demand driven system to sub-bachelor places and non-university … [Read more...]

Melbourne awarded $20M for new ARC Centre of Excellence

Blackboard 580

University of Melbourne Newsroom    |     18 December 2013 The University of Melbourne will lead the establishment of a new $20M ARC Centre of Excellence, which will create innovative mathematical and statistical models for analysing big data sets. Many data sets and collections have the potential to make vital contributions to society, business and government, as well as impact on international developments, but they are so large or complex that they are difficult to process and analyse using traditional tools, said Melbourne’s ARC Laureate Fellow, Professor Peter Hall. Current solutions are ad-hoc, since adequate, mathematically founded statistical techniques currently … [Read more...]

Mid year cuts to higher education

Myefo table

NTEU News    |     17 December 2013 The changes to policy and funding announced in relation to higher education included in the Mid-Year Fiscal and Economic Outlook (MYEFO) 2013-14 statements on 17 December result in net reduction of just over $200m in funding over the next four years.    A summary of the changes to higher education related funding which have been announced since the 2013-14 Federal Budget are shown in Table 1 below.The largest cut relates to the cessation of the regional priorities round of the Education Investment Fund (EIF).  While this will save the government $187.5m over the next three years and relates to monies that have yet to be allocated, it will reduce the … [Read more...]

The Scan’s most viewed posts 2013


15 December 2013 In 2013, over 700 items were posted on The Scan (down from about 900 in 2012).   There were some surprises.   The short obituary on Peter Redlich attracted a surprising number of views because he died suddenly (although he'd been ill for some time), being Jewish, he was buried within 24 hours and a full obituary wasn't published for some weeks, so as word spread, people ended up at The Scan via search engines.  An increasing amount of traffic comes to The Scan by way of search engines:  The Scan "archive" of items is now approaching 2000 (it totals more than posts of over 1600 because a post may contain several items).   The Scan of 22 March 2012  is a perennial … [Read more...]

Top posts November 2013


__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Clamp on foundation training & education The Victorian government will restrict access to remedial training for adults, claiming that VET colleges are lining their pockets by enrolling students unnecessarily. 14 November 2013 | But the Australian Education Union says new funding arrangements could strip almost $30 million from TAFEs, which are already reeling from a $290m cut last year. Skills minister Peter Hall has refused to rule out cuts to funding rates. He is expected to announce that funding for foundation training, which includes courses in adult literacy and numeracy, youth … [Read more...]

The Scan | #143 | 11 November 2013

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Typhoon Haiyan slams the PhilippinesSuper Typhoon Haiyan, one of the most powerful on record, destroyed thousands of homes as it tracked across central Philippines. Winds of more than 300km/h, flash flooding and landslides have left families without shelter, food and water. Thousands of people are feared dead. Red Cross staff and volunteers are on the ground in the disaster-affected communities, helping people evacuate and providing emergency first aid and relief supplies, such as food, water and … [Read more...]

ARC research grants announced

Commonwealth Media     |   8 November 2013 Education minister Christopher Pyne has announced $522 million in funding for 1177 new research projects under the Australia Research Council’s (ARC) Future Fellowships scheme (commencing 2013) and Major Grants scheme (commencing 2014). The schemes for which these projects have received funding include: 201 projects under the Future Fellowships scheme 703 projects under the Discovery Projects scheme 200 projects under the Discovery Early Career Research Award scheme 63 projects under the Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities scheme 10 projects under the Discovery Indigenous scheme. Pyne said the announcement of more … [Read more...]

The Scan | #139 | 27 September 2013

The incomparable David Rowe makes a point in the Australian Financial Review

 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pyne sends mixed message 27 September   2013   |   In his first interview as education minister, Christopher Pyne says his priorities are to “repair” international education, reduce red tape and review the demand-driven system.  Pyne said that international education issues would be tackled “sooner rather than later”, given the economic impact of a 20% to 25% decline in Australia’s biggest non-mining export industry. he nominated reducing universities’ regulatory load as the other high priority, guided by the recommendations of the recent … [Read more...]