Regional students prefer direct approach

The Australian     |    6 December 2013 There’s been a big increase in direct applications to universities, with the total number of direct applications to universities having increased from 61 805 in 2010 to 82,890 in 2013 (plus 34.1%). The increase in 2013 was 12.6%.______________________________________________________________Peter Lee, chairman of the Regional Universities Network RUN, has defended a 6% drop in applications this year to regional unioversities, saying a "massive increase" in direct applications by both school-leaver and mature-age students more than compensated for the fall in official applications data.   The official data only counts applications via state tertiary … [Read more...]

Policy directions in higher education

ACPET     |     15 December 2013 In this commentary for the ACPET Journal for Private Education, Brendan Sheehan looks to the higher education policy horizon under the newly elected Coalition government.  On the face of it, he writes,  education generally is an area in which little immediate change would be anticipated, with the major parties going to the election on broadly bipartisan platforms.  But no sooner had the ink dried on Christopher Pyne's commission as minister for education than he was canvassing a range of interesting propositions around concerning equity, quality and the demand driven system and the sale of HECs debt.   The simple fact of the National Commission of Audit and … [Read more...]

The Scan’s most viewed posts 2013


15 December 2013In 2013, over 700 items were posted on The Scan (down from about 900 in 2012).   There were some surprises.   Theshortobituary on Peter Redlich attracted a surprising number of views because he died suddenly (although he'd been ill for some time), being Jewish, he was buried within 24 hours and a full obituary wasn't published for some weeks, so as word spread, people ended up at The Scan via search engines.  An increasing amount of traffic comes to The Scan by way of search engines:  The Scan "archive" of items is now approaching 2000 (it totals more than posts of over 1600 because a post may contain several items).   The Scan of 22 March 2012  is a perennial favourite by … [Read more...]

Undergraduate Applications, Offers and Acceptances 2013: Summary

15 December 2013 This report contains applications and offers data received from Tertiary Admissions Centres (TACs) and universities as of 15 May 2013.  It is an update of the data published in the earlier report The Demand Driven System: Undergraduate Applications and Offers, February 2013.  1.1         Highest Preference Applications As of 15 May 2013, there were 275 397 applications made through TACs, an increase of 0.8% compared with 2012.  Applications increased in NSW/ACT (2.0%), SA/NT (2.4%) and Tasmania (6.3%) but decreased in WA (-1.9%), Qld (-0.5%) and Vic (-0.3%). Applications by state and territory, … [Read more...]


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