Maddock steps down

John Maddock

2 December 2013 John Maddock, chief executive of Box Hill Institute in Melbourne has announced he will step down from the role at the conclusion of his contract on 7 December. After 14 years as chief executive, Maddock informed staff on 29 November that with senior executive roles needing to be filled, and the Institute’s new five year Plan soon to begin, it was time to “rejuvenate” and he had decided to step down. He paid tribute to Box Hill staff and students, and their work which contributed to the emergence of Box Hill as one of Australia’s most successful TAFEs in student course offerings, launch of higher education qualifications including a Masters degree, and extensive … [Read more...]

Top posts November 2013


__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Clamp on foundation training & education The Victorian government will restrict access to remedial training for adults, claiming that VET colleges are lining their pockets by enrolling students unnecessarily. 14 November 2013 | But the Australian Education Union says new funding arrangements could strip almost $30 million from TAFEs, which are already reeling from a $290m cut last year. Skills minister Peter Hall has refused to rule out cuts to funding rates. He is expected to announce that funding for foundation training, which includes courses in adult literacy and numeracy, youth … [Read more...]

ACPET National Monday Update 2 December 2013


In Focus India's third religion  Speaking in Delhi on Friday at the 2nd India Australia Skills Conference, Basab Banerjee of India’s National Skill Development Corporation reflected that India has two religions – cricket and Bollywood, and that Australia had played a valuable part in the development of both. Dennis Lillee helped Indian cricket discover fast bowling and Brett Lee had done his bit for Bollywood. Basab then moved to reflect that Australia has an equally crucial role to play in helping India with what he hopes will be its third religion – skills training.... Read more Featured Advice from the ACPET Board's November meeting A note from the Chair … [Read more...]

Simpson defence doesn’t wash

 Fairfax Media     |      1 December 2013 Pyne fails to justify Gonski backflip In ducking and weaving over his lately revealed determination to demolish the National Schools Plan (aka Gonski) - contrary to assurances before the election - education minister Christopher Pyne has deployed all aspects of the Bart Simpson excuse: I didn't do it; You didn't see me do it; and, You can't prove I did it. But as attested by just about all media commentators and state and education ministers (liberal, national , labor and greens) from those jurisdictions that signed up to the plan, 1) he did do it, 2) everyone's seen him do it and  3) it can be proved he did it.   He's got into name … [Read more...]


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