Maddock steps down

2 December 2013

John MaddockJohn Maddock, chief executive of Box Hill Institute in Melbourne has announced he will step down from the role at the conclusion of his contract on 7 December.

After 14 years as chief executive, Maddock informed staff on 29 November that with senior executive roles needing to be filled, and the Institute’s new five year Plan soon to begin, it was time to “rejuvenate” and he had decided to step down.

He paid tribute to Box Hill staff and students, and their work which contributed to the emergence of Box Hill as one of Australia’s most successful TAFEs in student course offerings, launch of higher education qualifications including a Masters degree, and extensive international education delivery. Last week Box Hill was recipient of the International Training Provider of the Year 2013.

The abrupt nature of Maddock’s resignation – unexpected and quite immediate – has led to speculation that he might have fallen out with his Board.

But who knows – no one’s told us anything.

What we do know is that Maddock leaves a a more than respectable legacy to his successor:  a strong and integrated tertiary education institution .

  • About John Maddock

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