Australian Financial Review 24 September 2012

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  The Australian Financial Review (AFR) has run a useful tertiary education section, with 5-6 items,  in its Monday edition for some time.  But with the appointment of Tim Dodd (formerly media director at IDP) as editor of the section, it has been considerably vamped up.   The 24 September edition has 20 items, including a couple of opinion pieces by vice-chancellors and features by Erica Cervini who covered higher education issues (and may still) for The Age.   Like The Australian Higher Education Supplement and Campus Review, the AFR has a paywall, so you have to subscribe to access the online site (or pay $3 for the Monday print edition).  Massive Open Online Learning (MOOC) … [Read more...]

Sorry Vice-Chancellor, your humanities cuts will hurt La Trobe

La Trobe protest

By Virginia Mansel Lees, La Trobe University   18 September 2012 The cuts to the humanities and social sciences faculty at La Trobe University have been the source of much debate among the academic community, and anger among affected staff and students. This culminated in a stand-off between protestors and Vice-Chancellor John Dewar at the university’s open day last month. But the ensuing fracas has also resulted in various claims and counter-claims being circulated in the press. A case in point is Vice-Chancellor Professor John Dewar’s recent contribution to The Conversation, in which he made some questionable claims about the state of humanities at La Trobe. Questionable … [Read more...]

The Scan Main Edition Thursday 20 September 2012


Back to the future with workplace agreements? Australian Higher Education Industrial Association president and Curtin University vice-chancellor Jeanette Hacket says she would welcome a return to John Howard-era workplace agreements if it meant more flexibility to respond to student expectations.  She said she also doubted that universities could afford the 7 % annual pay rises being demanded by the National Tertiary Education Union. [Continue … [Read more...]

The Scan Main Edition 30 August 2012


Control and click headlines and highlights to link to articles. Links may not work unless you or your organisation is a paid subscriber to the originating media outlet.  Check with your communications people about subscriptions. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ No cap, no fee increase: Pyne The Coalition says it has no plans to reimpose a cap on university places or to increase tuition fees despite media reports to the contrary,with opposition education spokesman Christopher Pyne saying “while we welcome debate over the quality and standards in our universities, we have no plans to increase fees or cap … [Read more...]

The Scan 22 March 2012

A brick wall

If you're looking for the latest edition of The Scan, it's HERE _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Control and click headlines and highlights to link to articles, Links may not work unless you or your organisation is a paid subscriber to the originating media outlet.  Check with your communications people about subscriptions. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Commonwealth unveils multi-billion dollar skills plan The Commonwealth government has elevated skills training to be a key economic driver by promising that all … [Read more...]

The Scan 9 August 2012


Elite unis attacked over fees Angry that the Group of Eight, led by University of NSW vice-chancellor Fred Hilmer, is publicly spruiking for the removal of fee caps at the same time universities are attempting to agree on a joint position, UWS acting vice-chancellor Rhonda Hawkins has broken ranks and called for a more open debate on the issue.   [Continue Reading]... ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hilmer's pitch on deregulating fees Universities should be able to charge a higher student contribution for selected “premium” degrees, such as medicine, law, engineering and business, which qualify … [Read more...]

La Trobe spares Indonesian but 37 jobs to go in humanities and social sciences

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The Australian    11 August 2012 La Trobe University Fact Sheet    15 August 2012 La Trobe University has bowed to intense lobbying and retained Indonesian language in a revised cost-cutting restructure of its humanities and social sciences faculty, while also making concessions on gender studies, linguistics and art history.  Under the changes Indonesian will remain a major while art history, linguistics and gender studies won’t have major streams but are being retained as minors.  Linguistics will now lose one position rather than three.   The university said it is aiming to restore a “cross-disciplinary” major in gender studies in 2014. While the job cuts are down from an … [Read more...]

Deakin embraces a digital future


The Australian   29 June 2012 As part of Deakin University’s new strategic plan, Deakin students will increasingly access online, open source content from around the world, freeing up academics to focus on smaller tutorial groups delivered not just face-to-face but increasingly through social media like Facebook.  Instead of attending or listening to a 50 minute lecture, for example, students will be able to listen to a 10 minute podcast by a world authority and then undertake activities with their tutor and fellow students.  Deakin V-C Jane den Hollander says the strategy is about giving students the flexibility to work around their other commitments, such as part-time work, to access … [Read more...]

Deakin’s lively future


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Deakin University is set to launch its new strategic plan – LIVE the future: Agenda 2020 – at a series of events at its various campuses and centres on 28 June.   According to the university, the plan …brings the digital world into the real world of learning and experiences.  [It] provides a framework for a bold and exciting future. It outlines the strategies Deakin will implement in order to achieve its vision for learning, for research and for community enterprise though to the end of this second decade of the twenty-first century. In a notice to staff, Deakin vice-chancellor Jane den … [Read more...]

Dawkins to review training standards


The Australian     9 June 2012 Former Commonwealth treasurer and education  minister John Dawkins will spearhead a review of training standards, as governments move to stamp out low quality courses and rorting of funds.  The review, which will advise on regulatory standards for some 5000 colleges around the country, follows last year's establishment of a national authority to take over from state-based vocational training regulators.  It’s also a response to increasing concerns about the quality of courses for international students and, more recently, their domestic counterparts.  The move to an open market for government training funds, particularly in Victoria, has sparked a flurry of … [Read more...]


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