The Scan Main Edition 30 August 2012

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No cap, no fee increase: Pyne

The Coalition says it has no plans to reimpose a cap on university places or to increase tuition fees despite media reports to the contrary,with opposition education spokesman Christopher Pyne saying “while we welcome debate over the quality and standards in our universities, we have no plans to increase fees or cap places,”.

In his statement,  Pyne drew attention to one point of difference with the government:

Only the Coalition supports bringing back full-fee-paying places for Australian domestic students, which are at present restricted to overseas students.  This measure alone would give universities greater freedom to grow.

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Change in legislation on data sharing welcomed by VCs

The Commonwealth government will amend higher education laws in an attempt to ease the red tape burden on universities following a spat between vice-chancellors and  the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Authority (TEQSA).  Legislative amendments, due to be introduced by the end of the year, will allow federal bureaucrats to share more information with TEQSA.

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University appeals to growing numbers

Data from the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY), suggest Australia should comfortably meet the government target of 40% of young adults aged 25-34 years having higher education qualifications by 2025.  The surveys reveal that higher education aspiration among 15 year olds leapt from 49%in 1998 to 60% five years later, before easing to the mid-50s in 2006 and 2009.  Nevertheless, experts caution that the LSAY figures should be taken with a “grain of salt” because of the sample size and different methodologies between successive surveys.

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Teaching standards to focus on what students really learn

New academic standards will give special emphasis to learning outcomes. The higher education standards panel chaired by former UWA vice-chancelllor Alan Robson is charged with advising the Commonwealth minister on the first set of national higher education teaching and learning standards under the new regulatory regime.

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A University of Melbourne study has backed tough government measures to “coerce” early school leavers back in to education….[Continue Reading]…

Universities face declining student demand in the face of online competitors which will erode income according to Warren Bebbington, the University of Adelaide’s new vice-chancellor….[Continue Reading]…

La Trobe University’s  vice-chancellor says that  La Trobe University’s most successful Open Day ever, with more than 19,000 visitors, was wrongfully disrupted by student protests against recently announced changes to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences….[Continue Reading]…

While South Australia’s universities are recording record enrolments in engineering programs, enough still isn’t being done to attract students, according to peak group Engineers Australia….[Continue Reading]…




More Indian students coming to campus…

30 August 2012     A dramatic rise in offshore visa grants points to the possible re-emergence of India as a key higher education market  but onshore demand for vocational education and training, dominated in recent times by Indians, is weakening….[Continue Reading]…

…while India shelves foreign unis

30 August 2012     The Indian parliament has shelved its foreign educational institutions bill leading to mixed Australian reactions….[Continue Reading]…


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