In Focus I want to provide some commentary on the following three areas: higher education, VET regulation and international education. 1. Higher Education It is really important for all private Higher Education providers to provide whatever support is possible to the proposed changes to Higher Education. I am aware that we will not all agree with some of the details but that debate is clearly secondary to the need to support the thrust of the reforms. Extension of choice to the private sector is a fundamental shift in higher education funding and is long overdue. Governments of all persuasions are happy to support choice between the public and private provision of … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update 21 July 2014
In Focus As the Acting CEO it is important for me to ensure all member services continue to be provided in accordance with members’ wishes. We received over 390 responses to our member survey and you made some very clear suggestions for improvement even though there was a 90% satisfaction rate with ACPET’s overall performance. There has been a lot going on with all the end of financial year activities and our Auditors being in the office. I have been extremely pleased with the support I have received from all the ACPET staff.... Read more National ACPET's LLN Capable project - working towards our VET sector show case: Employease On 14 - 15 August, … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update 14 July 2014
In Focus In Focus I have been acting CEO for a little over a week. It has been challenging for us all but I have been very fortunate that the Board Members, senior staff and a number of state committee members have been willing and able to assist with meetings and providing policy input. Claire Field has also provided an excellent and very professional handover. Thank you for all the support. The following is a snap shot of some of the activities and key priorities for the week as well as dealing with all the usual end of year activities, including our annual financial audit.... Read more National ACPET's LLN Capable project - working towards our VET … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update | #561 | 7 July 2014
In Focus We are sad to see Claire go As some of you may have heard the ACPET Board have accepted the resignation of Chief Executive Officer, Ms Claire Field. Ms Field has made a significant contribution to the private education and training sector during her four years as CEO of ACPET. As you would all be aware Ms Field has been a strong advocate for ACPET members during a period of substantial change in both the higher education and vocational education and training sectors. She has also been instrumental in strengthening ACPET’s focus on quality and lifting membership standards... Read more National ACPET's bulk buy PD offer now available for only $800 … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update 30 June 2014
In Focus Our new Quality Support Team initiative kicks off tomorrow I could just have easily entitled this week's article: 'Quality, quality, quality' - because following Minister Macfarlane's key note address to the National Skills Summit last week and his release of new draft Standards for NVR RTOs, and the ASQA Process Review - it's clear that changes are coming to VET regulation. This, combined with the changes the government is attempting to make to the way TEQSA operates as a regulator, and an upcoming review of the ESOS Act mean sensible regulation might just be on its way for the sector. What do I mean by sensible regulation? Simple: for me it means less red tape for … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update 16 June 2014

In Focus Short but sweet If you aren't already attending this month's National Skills Summit then click here to register. The Summit will be addressed by Industry Minister, Ian Macfarlane, in his first major address to the VET sector. We anticipate the Minister will use his address to outline a range of reforms to the VET sector - including in relation to regulation. Don't miss out, places are almost full. If you'd like more opportunities to discuss and reflect on reforms to VET, higher education and international education - then book now for the 2014 ACPET National Conference. Early bird registration ends shortly and the program is coming together well for both the … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update Edition 557, 9 June 2014

In Focus Great news for VET and a tussle in higher education... As members will have seen from ACPET's comments on Friday on our social media platforms - we are as pleased as our RTO members with news that from 1 July ASQA will automatically update scope of registration for equivalent training package products and not charge fees for these administrative changes. Details have been sent by ASQA to all RTOs it registers. In case you missed it, the information is on the ASQA website. ... Read more National ACPET's Health Check offer for members As part of members’ renewal for 2014/15, ACPET is offering a $500 discount on any of its Health Check services … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update Edition 556, 2 June 2014

In Focus A mini-update My sincere apologies that due to illness (and writing these articles myself on weekends) this week's article is merely a mini-update - normal transmission will resume next week. Register now for this month's National Skills Summit - with Minister Macfarlane to give the keynote address and... Read more Featured Higher Education Standards Panel - Call for Comment (Number 3) Dear Colleagues, The Higher Education Standards Panel (the Panel) is currently inviting comment on proposed revisions to the current Higher Education Standards Framework (the framework). Development of the proposed framework has been previously informed by feedback … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update Edition 555, 26 May

In Focus National Skills Summit and other updates t is with great pleasure that I can advise members and stakeholders that Minister Macfarlane has agreed to give his first headline address to the VET sector at next month’s ACPET-ACCI National Skills Summit. We are still finalising the program but make sure you keep the 25th June free in your diary to enable you to join us in Canberra for the day and hear directly from the Minister on his plans for VET (including we anticipate an outline of the government’s thinking on de-regulation/proportionate regulation for RTOs). We’ll have details to you shortly.... Read more National Introducing ACPET's Quality Help … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update – edition 554, 19 May 2014

Broadening horizons and opportunities Edition 554, 19 May There was much discussion last week about the measures announced in the Budget – some good and some not so good for private providers and their students. I sent email advice on Tuesday evening to all members and had a further opportunity to discuss the changes with members during Friday’s In Conversation with the CEO webinar. This week’s article moves beyond the Budget, although no doubt we’ll come back to the Budget measures in the weeks ahead and I welcome members’ comments and questions. For those working in the higher education sector, this week’s Symposium presents a crucial opportunity to understand the coming changes and … [Read more...]