Enrolments surge in Swinburne’s pathways program

Swinburne Media Centre    |     28 February 2014


Swinburne College’s UniLink program has seen a record increase in domestic enrolments, with over 200 local students enrolling in the program for 2014.


This is an 85% increase on 2013 with the increase being attributed to the program being included in the VTAC Unilinkguide for the first time  for the 2014 academic year.

Chris Wallis, Director of Swinburne College, said the  UniLink program had not been heavily publicised locally, so not many people were aware of the program.

However this year once prospective students saw that we offered a higher education diploma, that provides them with a direct academic pathway into a second year bachelor at Swinburne University of Technology, the increase in enrolments was quite significant.

UniLink Diplomas are the equivalent to first-year university and help prepare students for second-year entry into their chosen bachelor degree.

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