Goddamit….I got robbed

31 December 2013 I got up early, switched on the computer, went out to look at the day, decided I’d go back to bed and read for a bit, didn’t lock the door again, dozed  and heard a noise and woke up to see a young bloke with my mobile in his hand at the foot of my bed.  “So who the f**k are you….” I asked and obviously he took off.    Here’s my note to son, Gabe.    No big deal. Post-script 1 January:  It turns out to be a bigger deal than I thought.  This was no opportunistic theft, as I had imagined.  I didn't leave the screen door unlocked at all:  the screen was cut in two places to access the latches - very neat L shaped incisions to make a flap - he's done this before.  … [Read more...]


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