2013: the year that was in education


The Conversation     |    23 December 2013For most education watchers, this year has rushed by in a policy blur. So much so that we thought we had better launch our very own shiny Education section just to help you keep on top of things.The launch of the Education section – an area close to our hearts – meant we could finally give education issues pride of place.And what a time to do it – yes, this year was the year of Gonski. And whether it was a conski or goneski, this one word – derived from businessman David Gonski’s review into schools funding – went from symbolising a policy vision to becoming a political football in a few short months.In amongst some spectacular political … [Read more...]

Advance & Gipps TAFEs to partner with Fed U

20 December 2013 Advance TAFE, GippsTAFE and Federation University have announced they intend to pursue a new formal partnership to sustain Gippsland’s education and training options.  Their decision follows a comprehensive review of several potential partnership options, which seeks to create a sustainable future for Gippsland-based education. Support for a Gippsland regional partnership with Advance TAFE, GippsTAFE and Federation University came from several sectors across the region, as community leaders from government agencies, regional economic development groups and key figures from local businesses, industries and regional education, have expressed support for a … [Read more...]


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