Taking over universities

UNSW News     |      18 December 2013   Why the states would give up control State and federal relations are almost always a bumpy ride – you only have to look at the recent stoush over schools funding to see that. So when relations go well and we see a glimpse of that perfect picture of co-operative federalism, attention needs to be paid. The Commonwealth government has recently announced its intention to assume responsibility for New South Wales universities – a takeover that looks to be rolled out nationally over time. NSW is reported to be “receptive to the idea”, which probably indicates the state government’s indifference and relief in equal measure. The … [Read more...]

The first 100 days

Tony Abbott

The Vine     |     18 December 2013An off centre perspective on the state of the polityThis commentary is by someone we haven't actually noticed before - Andrew P Street of The Vine, which is a lifestyle blog targetting young people (18 to 35 years old).  Street's forthright lack of "even handedness" is disarmingly fresh - you can have no doubts where he stands in the political spectrum.Back before the election I wrote a piece explaining the looming Abbott victory was possibly the best thing for the Left in Australia. Part of my argument was that if Labor had pulled off a skin-of-the-teeth victory they’d have been forced further to the Right, there’d have been even more desperate finagling … [Read more...]

ATN calls for 10% hike in fees

Australian Financial Review    |     16 December 2013 Five universities that teach 20% of students have renewed calls for an increase in student fees to boost revenue in the uncapped system of places introduced by Labor in 2010 but now under scrutiny by the Coalition. The Australian Technology Network of universities says the so called demand-driven system should be maintained, and its members have increased student numbers in science, engineering, IT, creative arts and education by upwards of 20 per cent. But to make the system more financially sustainable, Curtin University, the University of South Australia, RMIT University, the University of Technology Sydney, and Queensland … [Read more...]


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