The Scan | #139 | 27 September 2013

The incomparable David Rowe makes a point in the Australian Financial Review

 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pyne sends mixed message 27 September   2013   |   In his first interview as education minister, Christopher Pyne says his priorities are to “repair” international education, reduce red tape and review the demand-driven system.  Pyne said that international education issues would be tackled “sooner rather than later”, given the economic impact of a 20% to 25% decline in Australia’s biggest non-mining export industry. he nominated reducing universities’ regulatory load as the other high priority, guided by the recommendations of the recent … [Read more...]

Young Australians overqualified and underemployed


Foundation for Young Australians     |    17 September 2013 Only around one-third of VET graduates are employed in the same occupation as their field of training, according to a report by the Foundation for Young Australians. The report, How Young People are Faring 2013, is an annual series that provides point-in-time and trend information on the education, employment and transitions of young Australians. The report has shown a misalignment between the skills many young people have and the jobs that are available to them: firstly, that many young Australians are overqualified for their jobs; and secondly, that those without qualifications are finding it much harder to get a good … [Read more...]

2013 Eureka Awards


4 September 2013 Presented annually by the Australian Museum, the Eureka Prizes reward excellence in the fields of research and innovation, leadership and commercialisation, school science and science journalism and  communication. The University of Melbourne together with Monash University  won this year’s University of New South Wales Eureka Prize for Scientific Research for an accidental discovery that revealed the purpose of ‘mystery’ immune cells in the gut. The study shows how our immune system interacts with the complex bacteria ecology in our gut, and opens new paths for drug discovery that could revolutionise the design of modern vaccines, improve outcomes for people suffering … [Read more...]

Pyne sends mixed message


The Australian     |      25 September 2013 In his first interview as education minister, Christopher Pyne says his priorities are to "repair" international education, reduce red tape and review the demand-driven system. Pyne told The Australian’s Higher Education Supplement that international education issues would be tackled "sooner rather than later", given the economic impact of a 20% to 25% decline in Australia's biggest non-mining export industry. I want to review the way the previous government dealt with post-study work rights and streamlining of visas.  They used a sledgehammer to break a walnut when they first came to power, and did a great deal of damage to our … [Read more...]

International student work rights threaten employment

The Australian    |    27 September 2013 Coalition plans to give more international students post-study work rights could spark an enrolment boom in hospitality and graphic-arts diplomas, with the graduates monopolising entry-level jobs at a time of rising unemployment, according to Monash University demographer Bob Birrell. He said this would add to an already serious problem in a labour market with little growth. Education minister Christopher Pyne said this week he would review post-study work rights to help "repair" the international education industrybecause Labor had damaged the industry "by shutting down the capacity of international students to remain here … [Read more...]