ATN “open for business” with new government

ATN logo

ATN Universities   |    8 September 2013 The Australian Technology Network of Universities (ATN) says it looks forward to working with an incoming Abbott Government to ensure universities are central to the  ‘open for business’ agenda of the Coalition Government. ATN Executive Director, Vicki Thomson, said with the Prime Minister-elect declaring Australia is now open for business –it is important to recognise that Universities are an integral part of the business of the nation. “Real solutions for Australia can only be effective with real and immediate action to support the future of Australia’s universities and the crucial role they play in boosting national productivity through … [Read more...]

Universities Australia on the university agenda for the incoming government

8 September  2013 Universities Australia congratulates the new Abbott Government and looks forward to working together on a future agenda for cementing higher education as a critical pillar supporting long-term national prosperity and well-being, as identified in the Coalition’s, Real Solutions. “It is impossible to overstate the transformative power of universities in changing lives, pushing the boundaries of knowledge, driving innovation, solving our gravest national problems and for securing Australia’s place as global influencer,” said Professor Sandra Harding, Chair of peak body, Universities Australia. “Whether as a provider of international education; a generator of new … [Read more...]

A collage of Coalition policies

Seven pillars2

8 September 2013 This wasn't an election in which education was a key issue and tertiary education hardly figured at all.  Here's a collage of Scan articles over the past year or so touching on the Coalition's approach to tertiary education, which provide a sort of compass to the horizon. The 7 pillars of Coalition HE policy 28 February 2013 Stability. Protect the academic standing of universities. Expand the international higher education market. The New  Colombo Plan. Ensure research work is world class, effectively delivered and well-targeted. Reduce the regulatory and compliance burden. Assist universities to take advantage of the growth in online … [Read more...]