Campus Review 12 August 2013

Campus ReviewThis is Campus Review’s own summary of lead items in its online edition. As Campus Review is a subscription service, you or your organisation need to have a subscription to Campus Review to view the full article. All non subscribers to Campus Review can have access to a free online trial offer provides free online access to the website for 28 days.


Caps have backwards look

A new report from The Grattan Institute has found it would be a “policy tragedy” to recap university places.

The government is considering ending the demand-driven system by limiting public university enrolments, which would cut costs. In the report, Keep the Caps Off! The Grattan Institute’s higher education director, Andrew Norton, argues that recapping university places would make Australia’s higher education system less fair, less efficient and less productive.

“Putting caps back on the higher education system would hit the people who miss out hard,” Norton said. He added that many students who did get a place would also be worse off because they would be “less likely” to be able to enroll in their preferred course or university.

Tethers for TEQSA

Review suggests smaller role for national body and more coordination among all higher education regulators.

Keep up with technology – or perish

A university is only as good as its staff and when it comes to mastering new IT, the pressure to keep up has never been greater. By Aileen Macalintal.

The shape of things to come

A stellar army career has provided a fresh approach to adding value to WA’s South West Institute future direction. By Duncan Anderson.

Vocation? It’s all academic

We have for more than a century used the terms “academic” and “vocational” to distinguish levels of education – and “brightness”. But are those distinctions helpful or necessary? By Stuart Middleton.

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