The Australian | 8 November 2013 Uncapped funding for university enrolmentsshould be replaced by an entirely new system that caps funding to institutions but allows them to set their own goals, according to Melbourne University vice-chancellor Glyn Davis. Under the Rudd-Gillard governments, universities witnessed a 34% rise in undergraduate enrolments, with government spending on university places forecast to rise from $5bn in 2010-11 to $7bn by 2016-17. Davis says the review of the uncapped system foreshadowed by education minster Christopher Pyne needs to give the government budget certainty while allowing universities the freedom to determine the make-up of their student … [Read more...]
Challenge of VET funding reform

9 February 2012 Julia Gillard’s announcement of sweeping reform of national VET funding arrangements, with income contingent loans at its heart, has evoked a full range of emotional responses from various stakeholders. The Australian Council for Private Education and Training (ACPET) is rather enthusiastic; most commentators and peak groups such as TAFE Directors Australia TDA) are guardedly welcome; and the Australian Teachers Union is utterly appalled at the prospect. ___________________________________________________________ Leading commentator Gavin Moodie (RMIT – # 29 & bullet on The Oz Hotlist) observes that while the national agreement for skills and workforce … [Read more...]