The age of Pyne, the destroyer, begins


21 May 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… The 2014-15 Budget presages the most far reaching changes to the higher education sector  since the Dawkins reforms of the late '80s, which saw the re- introduction of fees,the introduction of  income contingent loans (HECS) to pay the fees  and a doubling of the number of  public universities.  This year's budget  has to be labelled as "presaging" because it's damnedly difficult to plot where this might end up - the whole budget, not just higher education part of it.  It's not so much a matter of what is the Abbott government's Plan B as what's it's Plan Z?  In higher education, the opening up of Commonwealth subsidies for higher … [Read more...]

More like a sledge hammer than a nudge

NSD Graph

20  May 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Every now and then there's a spike in traffic to an "aged" post, as there was recently to Moscow on the Molonglo.  This means that somebody has referenced and hyperlinked it. In this case it is New Social Democrat, which is a pretty interesting site. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… The rhetoric of the Abbott government is big on freedom, and Joe Hockey’s homilies, drawing on the wisdom of “Margaret from Jangwarrin, Victoria” (a deserving pensioner, compared to Vilma of Kevin Rudd Land, who’s presumably been on cruises and is thus undeserving), are big on the need for individuals to lift themselves up, make their … [Read more...]

ACPET National Monday Update – edition 554, 19 May 2014


Broadening horizons and opportunities Edition 554, 19 May There was much discussion last week about the measures announced in the Budget – some good and some not so good for private providers and their students. I sent email advice on Tuesday evening to all members and had a further opportunity to discuss the changes with members during Friday’s In Conversation with the CEO webinar. This week’s article moves beyond the Budget, although no doubt we’ll come back to the Budget measures in the weeks ahead and I welcome members’ comments and questions. For those working in the higher education sector, this week’s Symposium presents a crucial opportunity to understand the coming changes and … [Read more...]

TDA Newsletter 19 May 2014

Notice of TDA Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of TAFE Directors Australia will be held in Brisbane on Friday, 23 May 2014, commencing at 10.00am. The location is TAFE Queensland, Southbank Institute Campus, Boardroom (Level 7, Room C 7112 – C Block) 66 Ernest St, South Brisbane. Please RSVP to Janny Tjen, Administration Manager, TDA, (02) 9217 3180, or email:           [email protected] Teleconference dial-in is available. Please RSVP for details. AGENDA Opening and Welcome Apologies Confirmation of the Minutes of the TDA AGM held on 24 May 2013 Chair’s Report Annual Report and Statement to Members Statement of TDA’s Accounts for 2013 and … [Read more...]


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