Tertiary education in the 2014-15 Budget – sector responses

Budget drives sweeping changes to higher education The budget puts higher education on a path of radical change … and will fundamentally alter the shape of Australian higher education...In deciding to extend the demand driven system and government funding to non-university providers, UA is pleased that further work will be done to ensure competitive fairness and that the relative government support appropriately takes account of the differing community expectations and public good obligations.....[ MORE ].... A package to explore for the future IRU has long advocated continuing with charging caps, set to ensure universities have sufficient revenue to provide good quality education. … [Read more...]

The rich and the rhetoric won the day

15 May 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… The 2014 federal budget asks all Australians to take one for the team and tighten their belts. And by 'all' we mean the poor, students, the sick, scientists, and anyone in the arts, writes Ben Eltham in New Matilda. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… Joe Hockey’s much-leaked first budget promised wholesale surgery to the Australian body politic. It has delivered something very different: a modest and indeed timid path back to surplus, nine years hence. Instead of widespread slashing and burning, the knife has mainly been taken to the most vulnerable, with special nasties saved up for Coalition’s … [Read more...]

The Scan # 149 15 May 2014

___________________________________________________________________________________________ ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… Higher education Higher education spending will rise appreciably in 2014-15, from $8.7 billion to $10.9 billion (25%), with the extension of the demand driven system to sub-bachelor places and non-university higher education providers. Modest further growth is forecast out to 2017-18, to $11.8 billion (9%). The key elements of higher education spending in the 2014-15 Budget, according to Universities Australia. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… Extending the demand driven system to sub-bachelor places and non-university … [Read more...]


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