CSIRO and the Budget

CSIRAC was Australia's first programmable digital computer, and only the fourth computer in the world. While it filled a room the size of a double garage and required enough electricity to power a suburban street, it had only a fraction of the brainpower of the cheapest modern electronic organiser. But it was a technological marvel of its time.

10 May 2014 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The ghost in the machine of the economy - indeed in the things we handle in daily life and work - is science. It can be channelled through private enterprise or through government funding. What example of leadership does this government provide if, even more than turning its back on science, it actively diminishes it? - The Age 20 April 2014 ………………………………………………………………………………………………….................................... It used to be that the “Budget process” was heavily shrouded in secrecy and the details of the Budget held closely until the Treasurer got to his feet at 7.30 in the House of Representatives on Budget night  (now … [Read more...]


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