Go8 joins international research grouping


 Go8   |    18 October 2013 Four of the world’s leading research university associations have made a joint statement on the characteristics of contemporary research universities. The four associations - the Association of American Universities (AAU), the Consortium of China 9 Research Universities (C9), the Group of Eight Australia (Go8), and the League of European Research Universities (LERU) issued the statement at the annual meeting of the C9 universities in Hefei, China. The associations  have committed to work together to advance the 10 characteristics described in the joint statement and also explore prospects for additional collaborations. The four groups say they are keen to … [Read more...]

Sydney Opera House turns 40

Ship song

18 October 2013 The Sydney Opera House plays a central role in Australia’s life and identity.  It’s the world’s busiest performing arts centre, with seven performance venues open 363 days a year, offering audiences the opportunity to experience the best the world has to offer in every performing arts genre. According to a survey by Deloitte, the Opera House is considered internationally as a more "relevant and esteemed" brand than “Brand Australia” itself.  Since opening in 1973 more than 65 million people have seen shows, nine million people have taken a tour and millions more have visited the precinct or engaged online. When we’re talking about brands, the Sydney Opera … [Read more...]

Why a minimum ATAR would improve efficiency and equity

18 October 2013 In this excerpt from a presentation just before the election,  Mike Gallagher (executive director , Group of Eight universities), makes the case for a “re-calibration” of the demand driven system, by the imposition of a minimum ATAR for university entry.   He argues that the G08’s proposal for a minimum ATAR of 60 (now apparently in public abeyance) was never an argument for  reintroducing caps but would actually improve both equity and efficiency in the higher education system by directing  academically underprepared students into pathways programs which would ultimately increase the chances of such students successfully completing bachelor degree programs.  Such … [Read more...]

The debate we have yet to have


Regulation of what and why? The topic of this series of annual forums, governance and regulation, begs the questions: of what and why? When the ‘what’ refers to individual institutions the answers relate primarily to university mission (purpose, direction and goal focus) and self-governance at various levels from the Council or Senate as the governing body (including Finance Committee), the Executive as the strategic managing body, Academic Board as the internal quality assurance entity, and Faculties and Centres, Business units and Administrative services, including their policies and procedures for self-regulating and monitoring, and for external reporting on capacity, needs and … [Read more...]

The lost mojo

18 October 2013 A combination of technical factors, involving Windows 8 "add ons" and a bungled conversion to Blue Host disrupted our publishing over the past week or so.  The Main Edition was just about ready to go last Friday but got lost somewhere.  We are currently back to Windows 7 and WordPress.  The good news, perhaps, is that Microsoft have released Windows 8.1 and some of the stability problems might be addressed.   And we'll leave the  Blue Host project (a revamped site with sliders and stuff)  alone until the summer recess.  We haven't tried to catch up with this edition  but will post a few "missing" pieces for the record, such as Christopher Pyne's first major speech as … [Read more...]


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