NCVER Report : Potential factors influencing Indigenous education participation and achievement


NCVER news    |    28 November 2012 Indigenous Australians are happier at school and just as likely to go on to university once they receive a tertiary admissions rank when compared to non-Indigenous Australians, says a new paper published by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER).  The study, Potential factors influencing Indigenous education participation and achievement, explores the factors that influence Indigenous Australians to participate in education.  Overall, constraints on education participation and achievement appear at the time of pre-school education and have long-lasting effects. In order to improve the educational outcomes of Indigenous … [Read more...]

Aged and community care training under the microscope

Aged care

ASQA News   |    20 November 2012 The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has launched a strategic review of vocational education and training (VET) in the aged and community care sector. ASQA Chief Commissioner Chris Robinson says the Productivity Commission’s August 2011 report, Caring for Older Australians, identified a number of concerns with the training provided for workers in the sector. These included the variability in the quality of training provided by registered training organisations (RTOs) and the need for better regulation; and fast-tracking of qualifications, for example, delivering a Certificate III qualification in less than a month. Robinson pointed out … [Read more...]

Report shows significant economic, social and environmental benefits of research


26 November 2012 A national trial undertaken by 12 Australian universities has found significant economic, social and environmental benefits, or ‘impact’, arise from research undertaken at Australian universities. he trial also confirmed that this impact is able to be assessed. The 12 universities taking part in the trial comprised members of the Australian Technology Network of Universities (ATN) and the Group of Eight Universities (Go8), plus Charles Darwin and Newcastle Universities and the University of Tasmania. The ‘Excellence in Innovation for Australia’ (EIA) trial involved 7 panels of 75 volunteers, 70% of which were external industry and business sector experts, assessing … [Read more...]

UB skills industry centre set to open


Ballarat Courier    |    26 November 2012 Australian Workplace and Productivity Agency chairman Philip Bullock will launch the University of Ballarat’s (UB) Industry Skills Centre on Friday 30 November at the university’s SMB campus. The university’s restructured TAFE system will consolidate programs into a “one-stop shop” for skills training. Programs will be based in existing buildings at UB's SMB campus, including the new Manufacturing Technology Training Centre. Deputy vice-chancellor of schools and programs Andy Smith says the skills centre aimed to bolster apprenticeships and traineeships and address the need for growing demand for apprentices in the region.  The centre … [Read more...]


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