Vic Labor commits to restoring some TAFE funding


23 November 2012 The Victorian Labor opposition has announced that a future Victorian Labor Government will “invest in the TAFE system to ensure that all Victorians have affordable access to education and training”. Opposition leader Daniel Andrews stated “as all Victorians deserve the opportunity to acquire the skills needed to secure employment [to] provide a future for themselves and their families”, funding TAFE will be Labor’s first budget priority, with additional funding coming from savings obtained from the crack down on unscrupulous providers. Andrews has specifically committed Labor to restoring “full service provision” funding to TAFE to enable TAFEs to provide … [Read more...]

VU’s seamless pathways


The Australian    |    21 November 2012 As foreshadowed in its strategy statement in September, Victoria University has confirmed its intention to  overhaul its traditional pathway programs by redesigning its qualifications into an integrated or seamless line rather than having separately-designed single qualifications. According to pro-vice chancellor teaching and learning, Margaret Mazzolini, it will mean that instead of students having to navigate pathways and transfers, it will happen without the students knowing. The cornerstone of VU's   "blue print" for curriculum reform over the next three-to-five years is the creation of low-ATAR entry Career-Start bachelor degrees from … [Read more...]

Evans dumps CLA test


The Australian    |    21 November 2012 The Gillard government has dumped plans to use the  controversial US generic Collegiate Learning Assessment test to measure student outcomes, accepting the advice of a reference group that CLA not be used because it is “unreliable and not fit for purpose”. Tertiary education minister Chris Evans committed to introducing a new university experience survey from next year, the results of which are to be published on the MyUniversity website. A graduate-outcomes survey will also be developed and introduced next year. The survey outcomes are a high-stakes issue for universities in the new competitive student market and will be used by government to … [Read more...]

TAFE really matters

Centre for Policy Development    |    21 November 2012 In light of sweeping changes to vocational education and training (VET) provision in Victoria, dramatic proposed cuts in Queensland and the overall “marketisation” of VET provision throughout Australia, a report by the Centre for Policy Development concludes that: An overall reduction in government funding of the VET sector in the past decade has coincided with rising concern over skills shortages.  These seemingly disparate concerns underlie the national conversation we should be having over the level of funding required to ensure that the significant social and economic benefits delivered by the VET sector continue. The report … [Read more...]

Uni commission proposal knocked off


The Australian    |    21 November 2012 A proposal to create a body something like an Australian Universities Commission* as a “buffer” between the Commonwealth government and the university has received a cool reception at a “plenary session” of Universities Australia (UA). Championed by Australian Catholic University vice-chancellor Greg Craven and Glyn Davis, UA chairman and Melbourne vice-chancellor, the proposal is likely to be dumped or highly diluted. Craven argues that a universities commission could redress problems in universities’ “mega-governance”.  He says the overarching governance of the sector has evolved in a largely random way, with “natural regulation creep” as … [Read more...]


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