Vic TAFE Development Centre rebranded as VET Development Centre


1 October 2012 The Victorian government has renamed the TAFE Development Centre (TDC) as the VET Development Centre to  reflect the changing nature of Victoria’s vocational education and training (VET) sector. The TDC was established in 2005 to raise the professional standing of people working in the vocational education and training sector through the delivery of a range of professional development and support programs.  In announcing the name change, skills minister Peter Hall said : Victoria has led the nation in the development of a diverse, high quality training sector and the name change more accurately reflects this expanded focus.  Half of all government subsidised … [Read more...]

AFR education supplement 1 October 2012

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As the Australian Financial Review is a subscription service, links will not work unless you or your organisation is a paid subscriber.       _____________________________________________________________________________________________ March of the MOOCs sets a challenge "Are we at the tipping point?" ANU vice-chancellor Ian Young posed the question at a Melbourne conference grappling with the impact of online technology on higher education. MOOC WATCH Your guide to the latest developments in the world of MOOCs (massive open online courses). Massive, open, online . . . and niche The massive open online courses - especially Coursera, edX and Udacity - … [Read more...]


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