What ERA 2012 shows: all round improvement…and unis playing the game better

Source; AFR

Australian Financial Review    |    10 December 2012 The Excellence in Research Australia 2012 results show marked improvement over the first ERA round in 2010, with more universities being at world standard or better. However as ERA 2012 looked at research over the past five years, there was major overlap with ERA 2010. Conor King, executive director of the Innovative Research University (IRU) grouping, points out that in this second round most universities have more understanding of the process and so will naturally do a better job of navigating the complex ERA requirements.  Overall, he believes, the outcome is a fair reflection of the state of research ERA 2012 showed the … [Read more...]

One way of getting into a leading university

As posted on the It's work ...honest blogsite - check it out: full of interesting, sometimes useful and sometimes amusing information. PRIVATELY educated teenagers are using family connections to produce outstanding personal statements and win places at universities, research suggests. Boasting about prestigious work placements, or expensive pastimes, appears to help independent school leavers secure more places at leading universities than state school applicants with identical school results. —Rich kids network their way into elite unis | Story & Education Stories | The Australian In other news…Pope is a Catholic… … [Read more...]

Australians becoming more qualified


The Australian     |     10 December 2012 Australian Bureau of Statistics figures reveal increasing higher education levels in all age ranges between 20 and 64, with the proportion of adults with degrees going over 25% for the first time ever. The figures suggest underlying demographic change is making a significant contribution to meeting the federal government’s higher education attainment target. The target is for 40% of 25-34 year-olds to have bachelor’s or postgraduate degrees by 2025. The degree-qualified proportion of this age range has risen by almost half in the past decade, from about 25% in 2002 to nearly 37% this year. But the degree-qualified proportion … [Read more...]

AFR Education supplement – 10 December 2012


Measures will add an edge to quality of university research Regular and comprehensive audits of university research are now a fixture following the announcement last week by Tertiary Education Minister Chris Evans that there would be a third round of the Excellence in Research in Australia (ERA) process.  Learning goals must equal Asia's best The Prime Minister's Asian Century White Paper aims for our school system to be in the world's top five by 2025, but expectations in our curriculum do not support this goal.  To reach the top, we should follow the example set by the United Kingdom and deliberately benchmark what our kids learn against the world’s best. Top marks for … [Read more...]


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