Students’ engagement with their school is set by the time they reach the age of 15 To what extent can school characteristics influence student engagement at age 15 years? Show more… Will my qualification land me a job in that area? The proportion of VET graduates employed in the occupation for which they studied varies greatly by industry. But is all lost for those employed in other occupations? Show more… Widening participation through education and training Education and training have the power to transform people’s lives. But how do we engage disadvantaged learners in education? Show more… Readiness to meet demand: Five key industry growth … [Read more...]
TDA Newsletter 4 August 2014
Forrest review says TAFE funding and courses should be decided by employers TAFE Directors Australia has labeled proposals to bypass TAFE and universities with TAFE divisions under the Forest Review of Indigenous employment as “missing the mark” and likely to result in hundreds of millions of dollars in duplication. Martin Riordan, CEO of TDA, said while the approach by Mr Forest was commendable to improve the capacity for indigenous communities to enter employment, it ignored the demand-led industry system of VET training being implemented by the states and territories. In its report, Creating Parity, the Forrest Review recommends that all publically funded vocational education and … [Read more...]
Setting non-university student subsidy gets tricky
17 July 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… With the Higher Education Legislation and Financing Working Group having delivered its advice to the government on extending public subsidies to student places at non-university higher education providers, the speculation is that it will be proposing a considerably lower rate for these providers and for sub-degree programs. The Australian Council of Private Education and Training (ACPET) isn’t particularly happy. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......… A review of budget documents by The Australian indicates that if the higher education reforms announced in the Budget are implemented, undergraduates can expect to attract an … [Read more...]
Macquarie takes a new path

17 July 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Macquarie University is to end an 18 year association with private provider Navitas to establish its own c ollege for domestic and international students seeking a pathway from high school into university.. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......… The University’s pathway programs are currently managed by the private higher education company Navitas through the Sydney Institute of Business and Technology (SIBT), which operates the university’s city campus. SIBT has been providing pre-university Certificate and Diploma Programs. Upon successful completion of a SIBT Diploma, students can enter the appropriate Macquarie … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update Edition 557, 9 June 2014

In Focus Great news for VET and a tussle in higher education... As members will have seen from ACPET's comments on Friday on our social media platforms - we are as pleased as our RTO members with news that from 1 July ASQA will automatically update scope of registration for equivalent training package products and not charge fees for these administrative changes. Details have been sent by ASQA to all RTOs it registers. In case you missed it, the information is on the ASQA website. ... Read more National ACPET's Health Check offer for members As part of members’ renewal for 2014/15, ACPET is offering a $500 discount on any of its Health Check services … [Read more...]
Review recommends extension of demand system
14 April 2014 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The review of the demand driven funding system report has concluded that the demand-driven funding system, introduced as the keystone of the Rudd government’s “higher education revolution, has been a success and should be extended. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….................................... The review of the demand driven funding system report has concluded that the demand-driven funding system, introduced as the keystone of the Rudd government’s “higher education revolution, has been a success and should be extended. Commissioned by the government in November 2013 to examine the impact of the system on … [Read more...]
RUN supports demand system and relaxation of fee caps
Regional Universities Network | 3 March 2014 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The Regional Universities Network (RUN) says the continuation of the demand driven student system for bachelor degrees and its expansion to sub-bachelor degrees is important for regional Australian economies and communities. It also supports the option for universities to forgo Commonwealth Supported Places and uncap tuition fees on a course by course basis. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… In an opinion piece published in the Australian Financial Review (3 March 2014), the chair of RUN, Professor Peter Lee, called for regional economies to diversify, the uncapping of … [Read more...]
New University of Western Sydney College for Bankstown

UWS Media Centre | 20 February 2014 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The University of Western Sydney is expanding its highly successful pathways program – UWSCollege – with the opening of a new multi-million dollar facility at the University’s Bankstown campus. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The new UWSCollege Bankstown building was officially opened on 20 February 2014 by the Federal Minister for Education, Christopher Pyne. The university says UWSCollege is having a transformative effect on students’ lives and the higher education participation rates in Greater Western Sydney, with thousands of students having successfully enrolled in and completed a … [Read more...]
Enrolments surge in Swinburne’s pathways program

Swinburne Media Centre | 28 February 2014 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Swinburne College’s UniLink program has seen a record increase in domestic enrolments, with over 200 local students enrolling in the program for 2014. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… This is an 85% increase on 2013 with the increase being attributed to the program being included in the VTAC guide for the first time for the 2014 academic year. Chris Wallis, Director of Swinburne College, said the UniLink program had not been heavily publicised locally, so not many people were aware of the program. However this year once prospective students saw that we offered a higher … [Read more...]