Birmingham says quality the top issue in the VET sector The Assistant Minister for Education and Training Senator Simon Birmingham has hinted at a further crack down on rogue training providers. In his first major address in the portfolio, Senator Birmingham said initial consultation with stakeholders had, almost universally, identified the issue of quality as the number one concern. “It is evident that more needs to be done to stamp out sharp practice among dodgy training providers. “Prohibition of inducements (such as “free” i-Pads or cash rebates), tightening of marketing practices and enhanced duty of care provisions when signing a student up to a student loan are all ideas … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update, Edition 579, 10 November 2014
In Focus Edition 579, 10 Nov Our sector is undoubtedly in the middle of one of the largest debates in our history. The proposed higher education reforms, VET Fee Help growth, contestability and its variances and of course the general debate regarding quality are all creating a significant discussion about the merits of private tertiary education providers. As you are aware, ACPET is strongly committed to a quality tertiary education sector. We have met with key stakeholders to address the issue of poor quality and are committed to see such providers eliminated from the sector. Poor outcomes are without question undermining the confidence in what our members actually do very well – … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update 13 October 2014

In Focus Edition 575, 13 Oct During the week Dr George Brown and I appeared before the Senate Hearings into the Higher Education and Research Reform Amendment Bill representing ACPET members. After a well prepared opening statement delivered professionally by George we were asked a number of questions. Much of the focus was on the characteristics of ACPETs HEP members and their preparedness to provide support to the socially disadvantaged. The questions brought into focus again the lack of information ACPET and the sector as a whole has about its activities and especially all the great things achieved by our members. ACPET has on a number of occasions asked members for information about … [Read more...]
TDA Newsletter | 15 September 2014
First tranche of VET reform – TDA welcomes new apprentice support services TDA welcomed the federal government’s announcement that apprentices and their employers will receive greater support, with an emphasis on apprentice quality and completion. In a media statement, CEO Martin Riordan said that apprentice completion rates need to be improved, and TAFE Directors had been advocating greater attention – and involvement of major providers like TAFE – to enable apprentice recruitment and quality training, both on-the job and off-the-job. TDA supported Industry Minister Macfarlane’s decision to scrap the Australian Apprenticeships Centres and replace them with the new $200 million a year … [Read more...]