……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Table of Contents Go8 Chair to deliver an Address to the National Press Club Higher Ed Deregulation Conference in Melbourne Budget Implementation Issues New Go8 Publications The Thai 9 National Research Universities Hefei Statement Signatories Working Together An Informal Guide for Australian Scientists Go8 Networking Function at NAFSA – San Diego Go8 Impact through Medical Research Calendar of Events ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… … [Read more...]
Govt sets VET deregulation agenda

3 July 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… The government has set out its deregulatory intentions for vocational training, with industry and Registered Training Organisations set to gain greater control of the sector, and a shift away from "gateway control" to "responsive regulation". ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… Speaking at a skills summit organised by the Australian Council of Private Education and Training and the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, industry minister Ian Macfarlane said the government had “revisited” the work of the now abolished National Skills Standards Council (NSCC) and released new draft standards for training providers and … [Read more...]
TEQSA “gardening leave” confirmed
The Australian | 13 June 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… It has been confirmed at Senate Estimates that chief higher education regulator Carol Nicoll has taken indefinite leave and her future is tied to legislation that would restructure the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… A Bill introduced in late February by education minister Christopher Pyne would spill the positions of TEQSA’s five commissioners, splitting the roles of chief commissioner and chief executive both of which are currently vested in the person of Dr Nicoll. It would also strip away the agency’s broader role in quality … [Read more...]
TDA Newsletter 9 June 2014
Red tape slashed for training packages The Minister for Industry Ian Macfarlane has taken the knife to regulation of training packages, making it easier to implement minor changes and removing fees for simple alterations. From July 1, when a training package qualification is changed, but the vocational outcome remains the same, training providers will no longer need to apply to their regulator or pay a fee to update their registration. The Minister described it as the “first in a series” of changes to reduce red tape in the vocational education and training (VET) sector. “This is a common sense approach developed as a direct result of listening to industry and training providers and … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update Edition 557, 9 June 2014

In Focus Great news for VET and a tussle in higher education... As members will have seen from ACPET's comments on Friday on our social media platforms - we are as pleased as our RTO members with news that from 1 July ASQA will automatically update scope of registration for equivalent training package products and not charge fees for these administrative changes. Details have been sent by ASQA to all RTOs it registers. In case you missed it, the information is on the ASQA website. ... Read more National ACPET's Health Check offer for members As part of members’ renewal for 2014/15, ACPET is offering a $500 discount on any of its Health Check services … [Read more...]
TEQSA calls for submissions on red tape
26 October 2013Following the issue on 22 October of a Ministerial Direction to “cut red tape” and the earlier announcement of its own reform agenda, the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) has issued a call for submissions on the following discussion papers:Future directions for TEQSA's regulatory processes Future directions for TEQSA's Regulatory Risk Framework.Responses to the questions posed in the papers and other feedback are can be provided via email to [email protected] by the closing date of 5.00pm on 4 December 2013. … [Read more...]
Pyne takes scissors to redtape
24 October 2013 Minister for education Christopher Pyne has directed the Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency (TEQSA) to “simplify the paperwork and deregulate”. He declared that reducing red tape is a key priority for the government, while acknowledging it is important to keep quality at the centre of Australian higher education. We are committed to working with the higher education sector to reduce the burden of red tape, regulation and reporting so that it can innovatively and efficiently deliver high quality education. In line with the recommendations of the Review of Higher Education Regulation Report, Pyne says key aspects of the government’s actions to decrease … [Read more...]