Fed takeover of VET unlikely, says new Minister


Focus on fixing VET FEE-HELP Fairfax Media       |    11 March 2016 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… The newly-minted Commonwealth minister for skills, Scott Ryan,  has poured cold water on a proposed Commonwealth takeover of vocational education and training set out in a draft of a paper to go to the next meeting of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG).  Under the proposal, TAFE fees would be deregulated and TAFEs would receive the same funding. …………………………………………………………………………………….......…… While education Simon Birmingham has strongly advocated a Commonwealth takeover,  Ryan says there are strong arguments to maintain the current system. "It's a matter for COAG …but my … [Read more...]

NCVER report reveals lack of scrutiny of VET sector

TDA News    |     10 November 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Data released by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) show the continuing fundamental role of  TAFE, as the public provider network, but also demonstrate a worrying failure in scrutiny by policy makers, according to TAFE Directors Australia. …………………………………………………………………………………….......…… The NCVER report Total VET students and courses 2014 reveals the huge growth in the VET sector to 3.9 million students – almost three times the number in the higher education sector.  The data also show: TAFE and private providers deliver roughly the same number of training hours nationally (41% by TAFE and 45% … [Read more...]

Lilydale to re-open

ABC News 19 October 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… The former Swinburne TAFE campus at Lilydale, in Melbourne's outer-east, will reopen next year, three years after it closed due to funding cuts by the former Victorian government. …………………………………………………………………………………….......…… The campus was forced to close following $300 million of cuts made to the wider sector by the former Baillieu government, which argued at the time that spending had to be reined in. A new deal has been reached with Box Hill Institute to reopen the TAFE, which will offer vocational and higher education courses from 2016. The Andrews Government said the Lilydale Campus would also be home to one of … [Read more...]

TAFE Directors Australia – Newsletter Newsletter 28 September 2015

In this edition Commonwealth takeover of VET would hurt TAFE, federal opposition says Tasmania to invest in skills for seasonal industries Canberra Institute to deliver technology courses in India Students planning class action against Evocca College Book now for Australian Training Awards TAFE teachers battle out prestigious language, literacy and numeracy award TAFE study tour to Singapore and South Korea Australia-Pacific Technical College seeking country manager for Papua New Guinea Diary Dates Commonwealth takeover of VET would hurt TAFE, federal opposition says The federal government’s proposal for a Commonwealth takeover of … [Read more...]

NCVER news


  Are vocational streams the key to producing a more adaptable workforce? Vocational streams could offer a framework for creating better connections between qualifications and jobs than the traditional approach based on specific skill sets for narrowly defined occupations.Show more... NCVER's research prospectus is full steam ahead Through the introduction of the new research prospectus, NCVER is investing in a range of applied research issues that governments and key employer and training provider stakeholders identify as being of highest priority to them. Show more... Recognising the prior learning of adult … [Read more...]

A new advocacy group for TAFE established

Warren Tapp

17 July 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… A new voice for the Australian TAFE sector - TAFE Chairs Australia  -  has been established. …………………………………………………………………………………….......…… TAFE Chairs Australia is made up of chairpersons (or equivalent) of TAFE from Australian States and Territories. The group comes together with a charter to raise the profile of VET and TAFE, as well as proactively engage on associated national issues. Speaking at the Victorian TAFE Association State Conference about reform of TAFE in recent years, Warren Tapp, the inaugural chair of the group,   said: TAFE Chairs have an obligation to actively promote the important contribution TAFEs across … [Read more...]

VET: the good, the bad and the unlikely


AEU     |    30 April 2015 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The Abbott Government has been erratic in vocational education, as in many other areas, in its first 18 months of office, writes Gavin Moodie, on the Australian Education Union's Stop TAFE Cuts website. It started badly with early decisions to reduce quality controls, appoint supporters to key government advisory posts and further cut unions from contributing to policy on vocational education. These decisions seemed to have been driven more by ideological fervor and rewarding party supporters than evidence of what is good for vocational education, its students and the interest groups which governments these days … [Read more...]

TDA Newsletter 20 April 2015

Victorian TAFE sector losses worsen The financial position of Victoria’s TAFE sector has significantly worsened, according to annual reports tabled in the state parliament last week. The reports for 10 TAFE institutes show an expected operating deficit of $52.5 million for 2014, compared to an $8.9 million deficit in 2013. The Minister for Training and Skills, Steve Herbert, said that when the $44.4 million write-down of the Student Management System is added, the net result is a $96.6 million deficit. He said that the market share of TAFE had fallen to 25 per cent of the total training market. Staff numbers at the 10 TAFEs fell by 132 over the year. See the Premier’s media … [Read more...]

TDA Newsletter 13 April 2015

Apprentice trade support loans reach 20,000 The number of trade support loans is growing, with 20,000 applications received under the program. The Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator Simon Birmingham, said the milestone shows the importance of the Trade Support Loans Programme in giving apprentices the best possible chance of completing their trade qualification. The Trade Support Loans Programme began in July 2014, replacing the Tools for your Trade program which provided up to $5,500 in direct payments over the course of an apprenticeship. TAFE shines at transport and logistics national awards TAFE Institutes and students received some of the top honours … [Read more...]

TDA Newsletter 7 April 2015

Federal government considering escape clause for duped VET students The federal government is considering a new ‘cooling-off’ provision that would allow students signed up by some colleges to back out of agreements. The Australian reports that Assistant Education Minister Senator Simon Birmingham is evaluating a two-step enrolment system to stop colleges recruiting students signed up as a result of door-to-door sales and other high pressure techniques. “It should be an opt-in process that operates a little like a cooling-off period,” Senator Birmingham said. “Rather than opting out at the end of that period, they would have to opt-in as a demonstration of their ­enthusiasm and … [Read more...]