The Australian | 4 November 2013 The Queensland government has begun the search for commercial tenants of the state's TAFE infrastructure, with survey of the state’s private registered training oranisations (RTOs) to gauge their interest in using TAFE infrastructure, and under what terms. Thirty-eight TAFE sites have been identified for potential private use. An email to staff from the education department’s TAFE Reform team indicated that the intention is to determine if and how private RTOs would use TAFE infrastructure that is not required by TAFE It stressed that only land and buildings are on offer and that equipment, in general, will remain the property of TAFE … [Read more...]
Holmesglen & Healthscope partner for new private hospital

26 September 2013 Holmesglen Institute and private health company Healthscope are proposing to build a new private hospital at Holmesglen's Moorabbin campus in Melbourne's south-eastern suburbs. The project will convert an existing conference centre into a health and education precinct, providing clinical training for Holmesglen’s health science students, as well as health care for local residents. Holmesglen will contribute $20 million to the project , presumably in the form of the site, and Healthscope will spend $100 million. The hospital is expected to create 500 construction jobs and 750 healthcare roles. Holmesglen chief executive Bruce Mackenzie, who formally … [Read more...]
Lilydale grant to be scrutinised

The Age | 16 September 2013 The Victorian Auditor-General is set to investigate a $100,000 payment to Yarra Ranges Council over a potential conflict of interest. The government gave the money to the council so it could investigate and draw up a plan for the future use of the closed Swinburne University Lilydale campus. In August, Labor MP Shaun Leane called on the Auditor-General to investigate the payment, saying there was an ''obvious conflict of interest'' as the council said it wanted to move its offices to the site. Auditor-General John Doyle replied to Leane saying he ''would be pleased to consider the matters you have raised as part of the next VAGO [Victorian … [Read more...]
TAFE funding diverted to small business tax break
6 September 2013 While the TAFE sector was still applauding Kevin Rudd’s stirring, albeit vague, declaration to force the states to maintain their own TAFE funding, the ALP’s own costings revealed a financial sleight of hand that would see at least $111m notionally set aside in the Education Investment Fund (EIF) to fund TAFE projects diverted to help fund an expansion in the small business asset write off program. As a result, just three of 12 TAFEs will get capital grants approved by the EIF advisory board late last year. Over $80m was allocated in June and July in grants to the TAFE NSW North Coast Institute, the Sunshine Coast Institute and Charles Darwin University’s trade … [Read more...]
NMIT proposes to buy Swinburne’s Prahran campus

NMIT News | 2 August 2013 NMIT (Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE) and Swinburne University of Technology have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work together to ensure the continued delivery of tertiary education at Swinburne’s Prahran campus in inner south east Melbourne. The MOU has the in-principle support of the Victorian government. NMIT CEO Dr Andy Giddy says the proposal represents a unique opportunity for NMIT to develop a first-class arts training facility for Melbourne’s inner and southern eastern communities. We are convinced that the location of the Prahran campus - coupled with sensitive and creative redevelopment, and the introduction of a range … [Read more...]
NMIT to buy Swinburne’s Prahran campus
The Australian | 2 August 2013 Swinburne University and the Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE (NMIT) have signed a memorandum of understanding for NMIT to buy Swinburne's Prahan campus in inner Melbourne in a deal that is subject to Victorian government approval. Swinburne senior deputy vice chancellor and provost Jennelle Kyd told staff in an email: If approved, this will ensure the Prahran campus will be retained as an educational facility and continue to be a precinct for the creative arts. Pending final negotiations and approvals, there are plans for courses currently offered at Prahran by Swinburne in theatre, Specialised Make-Up and Costume for Performance to … [Read more...]
TDA Newsletter 22 July 2013
In this edition TDA welcomes Jodi Schmidt, CEO of TAFE Queensland Community services and health workforce expansion $1.3 million for Victorian TAFE food, tourism and hospitality training program Register now for TDA 2013 national conference Share your views on Training Packages Review of TESQA cost recovery Literacy and numeracy crisis? What crisis? NMIT gets $24 million expansion ASQA accounts for initial two years of operations Diary Dates TDA welcomes Jodi Schmidt, CEO of TAFE Queensland Ms Jodi Schmidt (pictured) has been appointed as the first Chief Executive Officer of the newly created TAFE Queensland statutory body. TAFE … [Read more...]
NMIT opens flash new building

NMIT News | 16 July 2013 Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE’s (NMIT) new $24 million Preston campus teaching and learning facility has been officially opened. The new facility is home to a wide range of TAFE and higher education programs from Education (Early Years), Building and Construction, Interior Decoration, Engineering Drafting, Interior Decoration, Business, Accounting, Children’s Services, VCAL, Spoken and Written English and much and more. With three levels of floor space providing 5,700 square metres of new space, the building includes 27 classrooms, each with seating capacity of between 30 and 40 students and a lecture theatre with video facilities, podium and … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update 17 June 2013

In Focus Your opportunity to be involved It's that time of year again - a call for nominations for Director positions on the Board. And this year, for the first time, the Board is also using this opportunity to invite members to nominate for a 12 month position on one of the Board's State/Territory or national sub-committees. Firs... Read more Featured Access to infrastructure the next big thing Earlier this year the Victorian Government reported that the delivery of government funded training in Victoria by private providers had eclipsed that of TAFE. This was a seismic shift in the ever evolving landscape that is the Australian vocational education and … [Read more...]