Aiming high: what drives the educational aspirations of young Australians?



ncver news

At this webinar, NCVER’s Sinan Gemici and Chris Ryan, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic & Social Research, will discuss the findings from recent LSAY research on the drivers of young people’s aspirations.

Thursday, 5 June 2014 2.30 to 3.30pm AEST


Raising the educational aspirations of young people is a key element in supporting current higher education participation targets, including increased university participation by students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Recent NCVER research confirms that aspirations to complete Year 12 and go on to university have a substantial impact on educational outcomes.

Building on this, other NCVER research has shown that school and community programs, particularly those that leverage the influence of parents, may help raise the educational and occupational aspirations of young Australians.




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