26 January 2014
Members of the tertiary education sector featured strongly in the Australia Day Honours 2014
In the Australian honours system appointments to the Order of Australia confer recognition for outstanding achievement and service. The order has four levels :
- The Companion of the Order of Australia is awarded for “eminent achievement and merit of the highest degree in service” to Australia or humanity at large.
- The Officer of the Order is awarded for “distinguished service”.
- The Member of the Order is awarded for “significant service”.
- The Medal of the Order is awarded for “service”.
Of the 683 awards this year, 92 were to people associated with the tertiary sector, included three of the seven ACs. Overwhelmingly, these were to university academics, with only a handful (three that we could count) to people associated with the vocational education and training (VET) sector. Women made up only 26% of all recipients.
It seems that there is a greater propensity for academics and males to be nominated given that about 72% of all people who were nominated got a gong. The moral of the story is that people in the VET sector ought to rustle up a few more nominations. Same with women: of the 951 nominations for this year’s honours, only 281 (less than 30%) were for women, of which 212 (76%) were successful.
Professor Samuel Frank BERKOVIC AM – University of Melbourne,
For eminent service to biomedical research in the field of epilepsy genetics as a leading academic and clinician, to the study of neurology on a national and international level, and as an ambassador for Australian medical science education.
Professor Edward BYRNE AO – Monash University
For eminent service to tertiary education, particularly through leadership and governance roles with Monash University, to biomedical teaching and research, as a scientist and academic mentor, and as a contributor to improved global health.
Professor Bruce Harold McKELLA – University of Melbourne
For eminent service to science, particularly the study of theoretical physics, as an academic, educator and researcher, through seminal contributions to scientific development organisations, and as an author and mentor.
Professor Christine Constance BENNETT - University of Notre Dame
For distinguished service to medicine and healthcare leadership, as a clinician,n researcher and educator, particularly in the fields of child and family health and social npolicy.
Professor Anthony Roland BLACKSHIELD – Macquarie University
For distinguished service to the law as an academic, to legal education and scholarship, as a contributor to leading professional publications, and as an author and commentator.
Professor David Stephen CELERMAJER – University of Sydney
For distinguished service to medicine in the field of cardiology, as a clinician and researcher, to improved medical diagnostic methods, and to the promotion of heart health, particularly in children and young adults.
Professor Michael John COUSINS AM – University of Sydney
For distinguished service to medicine through specialised tertiary curriculum development, as a researcher and advocate for reform and human rights in the field of pain, and as an author and mentor.
Professor Michael Matthew DAUBE - Curtin University
For distinguished service to medicine, particularly in the area of public health policy and reform, through advisory roles with leading national and international organisations, and to youth.
Dr Dimity Ann DORNAN AM – University of Queensland
For distinguished service to the international community, particularly through the establishment of health care and clinical training programs to prevent and treat hearing loss in babies and young children.
Emeritus Professor Ronald Charles DUNCAN – Australian National University
For distinguished service to international relations as a leading economist, and through innovative economic policy development to raise living standards in Papua New Guinea and Pacific Island nations.
Dr Penelope Ruth (Penny) FLETT – University of Western Australia
For distinguished service to aged persons through significant contributions to improve care and support services, to education, and to the community of Western Australia.
Dr John Michael GRILL – University of Sydney
For distinguished service to engineering, and to business, to the minerals, energy and power supply industries, and as a supporter of advanced education and training.
Professor Richard Anthony JOHNSON MBE – University of New South Wales
For distinguished service to architecture, particularly the design of iconic Australian public buildings, to the visual arts and the museum and galleries sector, and to professional associations.
Dr Murray Chilvers KEMP - University of New South Wales
For distinguished service to education as an economic theorist and academic, to international trade, through contributions to leading professional publications, and as a mentor.
Professor Geofferey Norman MASTERS – Australian Council for Educational Research/University of Queensland
For distinguished service to education research, to the formulation of a national curriculum and performance reporting mechanisms, and to improved educational outcomes for young people.
Dr Susan Denise MEEK – Australian Academy of Science
For distinguished service to science, to the development and implementation of policy for science and research, particularly gene technology regulation, and through leadership roles with professional organisations.
Dr Sadanandan E K NAMBIAR – CSIRO
For distinguished service to science, particularly in the field of sustainable productivity and management of forests, as a researcher and author, and as a role model for young scientists.
Professor Peter W G NEWMAN – Curtin University
For distinguished service to science education as an academic and researcher, through contributions to urban design and transport sustainability, and to the community.
Professor Rosemary Joan OWENS – University of Adelaide
For distinguished service to the law, particularly to legal education as an academic and administrator, to national and international employment and labour organisations, and to women.
Professor Stephen John PARKER – University of Canberra
For distinguished service to tertiary education through administrative, academic and representational roles, and as a leader in the growth and development of the University of Canberra.
Scientia Professor Deo Karan PRASAD – University of NSW
For distinguished service to architecture, particularly in the field of sustainable urban design, as an academic and researcher, and to the solar renewable energy sector.
Ms Kaye Elizabeth SCHOFIELD – NSW TAFE Commission, ASQA
For distinguished service to vocational and adult education and training, as a researcher and commentator, through contributions to policy development and regulation, and to the community.
Emeritus Professor Malcolm Preston SKILBECK – Deakin University
For distinguished service to tertiary education as an administrator, researcher and author, and through significant contributions to curriculum development and policy formation, both nationally and internationally.
Professor Susan Patricia STREET – Queensland University of Technology
For distinguished service to the performing arts, particularly to dance education at a tertiary level, as a teacher and administrator, to professional organisations, and as a mentor.
Professor John Francis THOMPSON – University of Sydney
For distinguished service to medicine in the field of oncology research, particularly melanoma, to national and international professional organisations, and to medical education.
Professor Charles David THROSBY – Macquarie University
For distinguished service to the community as a leading cultural economist, to the promotion and preservation of Australian arts and heritage, and to tertiary education.
Associate Professor Edward Thomas WILKES – Curtin University
For distinguished service to the Indigenous community as a leading researcher in the area of public health and welfare, to youth in Western Australia, and to the provision of legal support services.
Dr Brenton Thomas BROADSTOCK – University of Melbourne
For significant service to music as a composer, educator and mentor.
Professor Phyllis Noemi BUTOW – University of Sydney
For significant service to medicine in the field of psychology, as an academic researcher and author, and to professional organisations.
Dr Carol COX - University of Southern Queensland
For significant service to medicine in rural and remote areas as a general practitioner, to education, and to professional medical organisations.
Mr Trevor Egon DANOS – University of Sydney
For significant service to the community through contributions to a range of scientific, education, government, legal and charitable associations.
Emeritus Professor John Ross EGERTON – University of Sydney
For significant service to the livestock industry, particularly the eradication of infectious disease, and to education.
Professor Ruth FINCHER – University of Melbourne
For significant service to education, particularly geography and urban studies, and to national and international geographic associations.
Emeritus Professor Andrew Leigh GILBERT – University of South Australia
For significant service to pharmacy as an educator, researcher and administrator, and to professional organisations.
Winthrop Professor Cashel D’Arcy HOLMAN – University of Western Australia
For significant service to medicine in the field of epidemiology and public health.
Professor John David McLAREN – Victoria University
For significant service to education, particularly the humanities and social sciences, as an academic, mentor and teacher.
Professor Glenn Mark MARSHALL – University of NSW
For significant service to medicine in the field of paediatric oncology.
Dr David Roy MILLS – University of Sydney
For significant service to science in the field of applied physics, particularly solar energy research and development.
Professor Rob MOODIE – University of Melbourne
For significant service to medicine through HIV/AIDS research, and through leadership roles in population health and disease prevention programs.
Emeritus Professor Graham LINDSAY – University of NSW
For significant service to science in the field of applied physics, particularly renewable energy and solar thermal technologies.
Ms Paula NAGEL – South Australian Government/University of South Australia
For significant service to higher education in South Australia, to the arts, and to the community.
Professor John Henry OLVER – Monash University/University of Melbourne
For significant service to medicine, particularly the treatment and rehabilitation of acquired brain injuries.
Associate Professor John Herbert OVERTON OAM RFD - College of Intensive Care Medicine/National Health and Medical Research Council
For significant service to medicine, particularly in the area of anaesthesia, through clinical, administration and advisory roles, and to professional organisations.
Associate Professor Carolyn Denton PALMER – Flinders University
For significant service to the community, particularly to people who are blind or have low vision.
Professor David Keith ROUND – University of South Australia
For significant service to business and commerce, particularly in the areas of competition policy and market regulation.
Dr Moira Jean SCOLLAY – Australian National Training Authority
For significant service to vocational education and training, and to public sector management reform.
Dr Ross Lindsay TELLAM - CSIRO
For significant service to science through research roles in the field of livestock productivity and sustainability.
Professor Alexander Ross THOMAS – University of New England
For significant service to education through the study and advancement of educational administration.
Professor Catherine Ann WARNER – University of Tasmania
For significant service to the law, particularly in the areas of legal education and reform, and to the community.
Dr Philip Laurence WILLIAMS – University of Melbourne
For significant service to business as an economist, and to the community.
Professor Graeme Paul YOUNG – Flinders University
For significant service to medicine through a range of research, clinical and academic roles, particularly in the area of gastrointestinal health.
Dr Trevor George APPLETON (deceased) – University of Queensland
For service to education through the teaching and promotion of chemistry.
Dr Ian James BAGULEY – University of Sydney/Macquarie University
For service to medicine, particularly brain injury rehabilitation.
Dr Jurriaan Jan BEEK – University of Western Sydney
For service to medicine, and to the community.
Dr James Boyer BROWN – Monash University/Australian Medical Education Network
For service to medical education, and to the community.
Dr Margaret DAVIES – University of Adelaide
For service to science in the field of herpetology.
Dr Darryl John GREGOR – Queensland University of Technology/Griffith University/Bond University
For service to ophthalmology, and to education.
Professor Ruth Milne HALL – University of Sydney
For service to science in the field of microbiology.
Mrs Suzanne Laura HAMPEL – Monash University
For service to the community through the promotion of understanding and tolerance.
Mr Spencer Wallace HARVEY – University of Western Sydney
For service to the community, and to education.
Dr John Roland HOWES – University of Sydney
For service to education, and to the community.
Associate Professor Marie Rose JOYCE – Australian Catholic University
For service to psychology as an educator and practitioner, to the disadvantaged and homeless, and to refugees.
Associate Professor James Forrester KIN - University of Melbourne
For service to medicine, particularly in the field of perinatal epidemiology.
Mr Luke Leonard MARSDEN – University of Newcastle/University of Western Sydney
For service to medicine in the field of podiatry.
Dr Paul Andrew MEES (deceased) – RMIT University
For service to public transport and urban planning as an academic and advocate for creating sustainable cities.
Dr Janis Ann MILBURN – Australian Federation of University Women
For service to education, and to veterans and their families.
Dr Brian David MILLIS - Council of Private Higher Education
For service to higher education, and to the community.
The Reverend Father John Lawrence NEILL – Notre Dame University
For service to education, and to the Catholic Church in Australia.
Dr David Alan PARKER – University of Adelaide
For service to dentistry.
Associate Professor Geoffrey Grant QUAIL – Monash University
For service to medicine, particularly through dentistry.
Professor George RAMSEY-STEWART – University of Sydney
For service to surgical education.
Mr Kumara SIVAKUMAR – Northern Sydney Institute of TAFE
For service to education.
Associate Professor Bruce Philip WAXMAN – Monash University
For service to medicine as an administrator, educator and clinician.