Universities Australia expesses concern over possible research cuts


Universities Australia    |    17 October 2012 Universities Australia  has expressed its  concern about the impact that the Commonwealth government’s freeze on grant programs is having on the ability of universities to plan and invest in critical research and teaching programs - and about the growing uncertainty around funding parameters. With billions of dollars of funding on hold as the Government seeks to find savings for its Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO), universities are not only worried about the immediate outcome but about the lack of long-term funding certainty which undermines future planning.  According to o Universities Australia chief executive, … [Read more...]

With research $s under the hammer…


...Davis welcomes moves to balance student places and research The Australian    |    18 October 2012 University of Melbourne vice-chancellor and chair of Universities Australia chair  Glyn Davis has welcomed a move to encourage a balance between student places and research.  Davis said the government is signalling it would use next year’s talks on compacts to establish an optimum balance between funding for student places and research. If you ask universities to frame what their ambitions are, you can then make informed judgments across the system.  That isn’t the end to the demand-driven system, but it is forcing institutions to say what they are going to do and then … [Read more...]

Opposition blows the whistle on possible research funding cuts


Opposition News Release  18 October 2012 As tertiary education minister Chris Evans refused at Senate Estimates on 17 October to guarantee that uncommitted research grants will not be cut or clawed back, opposition spokesperson Senator Brett Mason  says universities and research institutions have every right to be worried.  Hundreds of projects and thousands of jobs are potentially at risk, should the government delay the funding, or worse, claw it back altogether. Mason also said evidence emerged that bodies that administer these grants, such as the Australian Research Council, have not been consulted and their input has not been sought about the grant programs’ … [Read more...]

Promoting the rights of international students


World University News    |     10 October 2012 For the first time, foreign students in Australia have their own ‘bill of rights’.  This follows the release by the Australian Human Rights Commission of a set of principles to promote and protect the rights of international students, which it says have too often been ignored by individuals and organisations. The principles are set out under four main headings, with summary translations in 10 other languages: Enhancing the human rights of international students. Ensuring all international students have access to human rights and freedom from discrimination protections. Understanding the diverse needs of international … [Read more...]

University World News – the back story


University World News    |    14 October 2012 The Scan quite frequently picks up items from University World News which  has just celebrated five years of publication.  It's an e -newspaper owned and produced by a global network of journalists which, according to its own description,  "has achieved success in reaching ever-more academics and higher education professionals – 40,000 in 150 countries now, 2500 in Australasia – and has earned a reputation for quality journalism and for being truly international. "  Here's the  backstory - which is pretty interesting in this very crowded information and news space. The reason University World News exists is because the … [Read more...]

The university campus of the future: what will it look like?

uni of future

The Conversation    |     17 October 2012   Article after article on online education predicts that bricks and mortar universities are set to be replaced by “clicks and mortar.” The sudden popularity of the MOOC (or Massive Open Online Course) – where brand name universities offer the same courses available to fee paying students for free, online – has seen some experts question the need for university campuses at all. While it may be a little premature to write off the need for a campus entirely, there’s no doubt online mobile education is set to radically alter university architecture. Exaggerated warnings For those with long memories, the predictions of … [Read more...]

Students should do their homework when making study choices


NCVER News    |    16 October 2012 When choosing between an associate degree or advanced diploma, students are wise to keep their end point in mind. A new NCVER report, Associate degree or advanced diploma? A case study, looks at the different pathways to gaining an engineering qualification: either through a higher education associate degree or a vocational education and training (VET) advanced diploma.  Both qualifications take two years to complete. The case study examines how tuition fees and articulation arrangements impact on the choice of course. If students are looking for immediate entry to the labour market after a shorter course of study, the VET advanced diploma is … [Read more...]

Go8 fears cuts to research infrastruture funding

research infrastructure

The Australian    |    17 October 2012 Concerns are rising that $150 million intended for research infrastructure could be on the chopping block  ahead of this month's mini-budget.   Any cuts to the next budgeted increase of the Sustainable Research Excellence (SRE) initiative, which provides funding for the indirect costs of grants, would particularly affect the research-intensive Group of Eight. Commentators say it may be a more politically astute way of clawing back money by avoiding unwanted headlines if researchers lost jobs as a result of cuts to grants. But the Go8 say cuts to the SRE would be just as debilitating to research activity and would also force job cuts.   … [Read more...]

Uni Canberra & Holmesglen hook up


Joint media release     |    17 October 2012 The University of Canberra (UC) will establish a branch campus in Melbourne from 2013, co-locating with Holmesglen Institute of TAFE.   The partnership is the first of its kind in Australia and, according to the partners, “it provides an innovative model for higher education offering new opportunities for students to attain a degree”. The branch campus, to be situated at Holmesglen’s Chadstone location, will be called University of Canberra Melbourne (UCM). Eleven University of Canberra courses will be offered in Melbourne from next year, to be delivered alongside existing Holmesglen degrees. Two of these courses will also … [Read more...]


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