Campus Review – 15 October 2012


This post has been removed at the request of Campus Review … [Read more...]

Looming crisis in medical training


The Australian    |    13 October 2012 A confidential Victorian government document reveals that the careers of up to 260 doctors-in-training could come to a grinding halt next year because they have not been able to obtain supervised positions in hospitals.  They include over 90 graduates of Victorian universities, about half of them domestic students who completed their degrees in 2010 or 2011. Doctors say it is the first time they have seen a shortage of places for hospital medical officers, or HMOs, and warn the problem will spread to NSW and Queensland.  Medical graduates could be forced overseas, exacerbating the doctor shortage and squandering millions of dollars spent … [Read more...]

MOOCs and exercise bikes – more in common than you’d think

Exercise bike

The Conversation    |    9   October 2012 If you have an exercise bike in the back room, you could be the small selection of people that use it everyday to get fit. But then again, you could be one of many more who bought it in the hope of regular practice but were unable to make it part of your routine. The MOOC or Massive Open Online Course, which has come to prominence this year, often has much the same effect. Students may enrol in the online free courses from prestigious universities in their tens of thousands, but overwhelmingly they bomb out with attrition rates up to 80-90%. For most would-be participants, the MOOC is like the unloved exercise bike that haunts … [Read more...]

Australian Financial Review Education Supplement 15 October 2012

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As the Australian Financial Review is a subscription service, links will not work unless you or your organisation is a paid subscriber. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Uni limits fee rises as it cuts costs Private Bond University will keep fee rises below the inflation rate next year as it attempts to stem a 10 per cent decline in new students. Curtin leads the way on pay rises Curtin University staff will receive a 16 per cent salary rise over four years following a ground-breaking deal reached by university executives and the National Tertiary Education Union. More students get taste of the real world When … [Read more...]

UNSW launches a MOOC program


UNSW Newsroom    |    15 October 2012             Australian Financial Review    |    15 October 2012 The University of NSW has become the first university in Australia to have a massive open online course, or MOOC, available free on the internet, ahead of the universities of Melbourne, Western Australia and Queensland, whose MOOC programs are still being developed. A UNSW introductory computing course will be made available from 15 October.   While the course’s intellectual property is owned by the university, the course will be delivered through Open Learning – an online education start-up company that Associate Professor RichardBuckland founded with UNSW … [Read more...]


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