2 April 2012 A report by Professor Gabrielle Bammer, Director of the ANU National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, shines a light on the flaws in the nation’s interdisciplinary research efforts. Bammer says the real challenges of interdisciplinary research are not recognised and measures to address the problems are ineffectual. According to Bammer, even though the value of bringing together insights from multiple disciplines and practitioners is accepted, the measures needed to really embed interdisciplinary research in the academic mainstream are not. “There are two essential problems. First, interdisciplinary research is treated as if it is one entity, when in fact … [Read more...]
Report calls for “fundamental rethink” of war on drugs approach
2 April 2012 A high profile group of Australians, including former Premiers, Health Ministers, a former police commissioner and a Director of Public Prosecutions and a number of academics, say in a report that the war on drugs has failed, overseas and in Australia. Produced by Australia21, out of a roundtable earlier this year, the report calls for a fundamental rethink of the current policies, and an end to the tough on drugs approach. Howard Government Health Minister Michael Wooldridge say in the report: "The key message is that we have 40 years of experience of a law and order approach to drugs and it has failed." A coalition of legal experts, drug researchers and health … [Read more...]