NCVER News | 28 November 2013 Last chance to register for the webinar 'A half-open door: pathways for VET award holders into Australian universities' Get in quick for NCVER's last webinar for 2013 as spaces are filling fast. To be held on Wednesday 4 December, the webinar will present the findings from recent research by Louise Watson and Pauline Hagel on the substantial differences between universities in the proportion of undergraduate commencing students admitted on the basis of a vocational education and training (VET) award. Berwyn Clayton, Director of the Work-based Education Research Centre at Victoria University and Janelle Davis, Relationships Manager, UWS/VET from … [Read more...]
NCVER Newsletter August 2013
The impact of school academic quality on low socioeconomic status students Patrick Lim, Sinan Gemici, Tom Karmel This paper explores whether low socioeconomic status (SES) students benefit from attending high-quality schools when compared with their more advantaged peers. The research finds that academic school quality is even more important for students from low-SES backgrounds in terms of Year 12 completion. The differential impact for low-SES students also holds for tertiary entrance rank (TER) and the probability of going to university. Australian vocational education and training statistics: apprentices and trainees 2013 - early trend estimates, June quarter NCVER This … [Read more...]
TDA Newsletter 19 August 2013
TDA advocates quality risk framework & regulation review Quality leadership by TAFE in the technical and vocational education sector is a key priority under this week’s launch of policy by TDA for Election 2013. TDA advocates a Quality Risk Framework, a review of protocols for updating Training Packages, and a risk-based streamlining regulation in a new Policy Position Paper being released today. The Policy Position Paper will be sent to all federal MPs, Senators and Federal Election candidates. Last month, TEQSA authorised a streamlining of risk proceedures for universities, under higher edcuation regulation. This coincided with a comisioned review of ‘red … [Read more...]
TDA Newsletter 1 July 2013
In this edition Prime Minister Rudd announces new Tertiary Education and Skills Ministry in Cabinet line-up New Managing Director for NCVER TAFE enrolments down in Victoria Early bird registration for TDA national conference closes this Friday! Learn the lessons from UK higher education reforms – Joint TDA/LH Martin Lecture 28th August Industry calls for sweeping reform of apprenticeships, Government hosts Industry Roundtable Asian Century business grants announced Standards for training packages – NSSC review Assessment issues in VET New video explains national skills funding Community Services and Health qualifications go live New perspectives on learning Diary … [Read more...]
Is having a university degree overrated?

Intelligence Squared Australia (IQ2) - Live Debate The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) is partnering with St James Ethics Centre to bring the popular live debate Intelligence Squared Australia (IQ²) to Adelaide for the first time on Wednesday, 11 July 2012. This landmark event will see nationally and internationally acclaimed speakers debate the proposition Having a university degree is grossly overrated at the iconic Adelaide Town Hall. Beginning in the United Kingdom in 2002, IQ2 is now staged in the US, Greece, Asia and Australia and attracts a sell-out crowd to each event. The IQ2 debates are exciting, witty and thought-provoking and take the … [Read more...]