ON Remembrance Day, November 11, in 1993, then prime minister Paul Keating spoke movingly about the just-interred Unknown Soldier, whose remains brought from France that week lay at the centre - See more at: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/opinion/the-making-of-a-memorial/story-e6frg6zo-1226046804190#sthash.5H2SAAc3.dpuf On Remembrance Day, 11 November, in 1993, then prime minister Paul Keating spoke movingly about the just-interred Unknown Soldier, whose remains brought from France that week lay at the centre of that year’s commemoration ceremony. On Remembrance Day 2013, a brass plaque will be dedicated in the Hall of Remembrance with the words from the speech: He is all of them. And … [Read more...]