In Focus In Focus Edition 566, 11 Aug Firstly let me provide some good news to all those who are part of, or are looking to join, ACPET’s Australian Student Tuition Assurance Scheme (ASTAS). We have been successful in negotiating a new insurance arrangement which is not only an improved service it is also considerably cheaper than previous arrangements. All the details have not yet been finalised and we will further modify arrangements to simplify the application process in the coming months.... Read more National ACPET's LLN Capable RTO project showcase is happening this Thursday and Friday.Edition 566, 11 Aug One of the participants is Wisdom Learning based … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update | #565 | 4 August 2014
In Focus I am very happy to report that we continue to have good numbers enrolling for the ACPET Conference and APIEF. It is particularly important for me being from Western Australia to see the Conference here be a success. There are some iconic venues being used, the Western Australian Cricket Association, Little Creatures Brewery and the Esplanade Hotel in Fremantle, and the program is looking exciting but also covering some critical topics in today’s education and training environment. Above all it should be very enjoyable... Read more National ACPET 2014 Elections - Voting now open Dear Members, Pursuant to the Constitution, nominations were … [Read more...]
The Scan’s top ten reads – July 2014
1 August 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… In July, The Scan published 56 posts, somewhat down on the longterm average of about 20 a week. An issue that continues to resonate with Scan readers is the impact of "skills reform" on the future of the TAFE system, with three posts on that issue making the top ten reads list in July. Posts dealing with the issue of university fee deregulation have also been attracting significant interest. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......… TAFE becoming “residualised” 4 July 2014 | Analysis by Leesa Wheelahan (University of Toronto and LH Martin Institute) of recent VET statistics shows that TAFE’s share of publicly funded … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update | 28 July 2014
In Focus I want to provide some commentary on the following three areas: higher education, VET regulation and international education. 1. Higher Education It is really important for all private Higher Education providers to provide whatever support is possible to the proposed changes to Higher Education. I am aware that we will not all agree with some of the details but that debate is clearly secondary to the need to support the thrust of the reforms. Extension of choice to the private sector is a fundamental shift in higher education funding and is long overdue. Governments of all persuasions are happy to support choice between the public and private provision of … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update 21 July 2014
In Focus As the Acting CEO it is important for me to ensure all member services continue to be provided in accordance with members’ wishes. We received over 390 responses to our member survey and you made some very clear suggestions for improvement even though there was a 90% satisfaction rate with ACPET’s overall performance. There has been a lot going on with all the end of financial year activities and our Auditors being in the office. I have been extremely pleased with the support I have received from all the ACPET staff.... Read more National ACPET's LLN Capable project - working towards our VET sector show case: Employease On 14 - 15 August, … [Read more...]
Setting non-university student subsidy gets tricky
17 July 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… With the Higher Education Legislation and Financing Working Group having delivered its advice to the government on extending public subsidies to student places at non-university higher education providers, the speculation is that it will be proposing a considerably lower rate for these providers and for sub-degree programs. The Australian Council of Private Education and Training (ACPET) isn’t particularly happy. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......… A review of budget documents by The Australian indicates that if the higher education reforms announced in the Budget are implemented, undergraduates can expect to attract an … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update 14 July 2014
In Focus In Focus I have been acting CEO for a little over a week. It has been challenging for us all but I have been very fortunate that the Board Members, senior staff and a number of state committee members have been willing and able to assist with meetings and providing policy input. Claire Field has also provided an excellent and very professional handover. Thank you for all the support. The following is a snap shot of some of the activities and key priorities for the week as well as dealing with all the usual end of year activities, including our annual financial audit.... Read more National ACPET's LLN Capable project - working towards our VET … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update | #561 | 7 July 2014
In Focus We are sad to see Claire go As some of you may have heard the ACPET Board have accepted the resignation of Chief Executive Officer, Ms Claire Field. Ms Field has made a significant contribution to the private education and training sector during her four years as CEO of ACPET. As you would all be aware Ms Field has been a strong advocate for ACPET members during a period of substantial change in both the higher education and vocational education and training sectors. She has also been instrumental in strengthening ACPET’s focus on quality and lifting membership standards... Read more National ACPET's bulk buy PD offer now available for only $800 … [Read more...]
The Scan | 4 July 2014 | #156

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Govt sets VET deregulation agenda 4 July 2014 | The government has set out its deregulatory intentions for vocational training, signalling a shift away from “gateway control” to “responsive regulation”. Speaking at a skills summit organised by the Australian Council of Private Education and Training and the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, industry minister Ian Macfarlane said the government had “revisited” the work of the now abolished National Skills Standards Council (NSCC) and released new draft standards … [Read more...]
Claire seeks new field
ACPET News | 2 July 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… The private training sector has lost a key advocate following the sudden resignation on 2 July of Claire Field, the respected chief executive of the Australian Council for Private Education and Training. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… In a statement ACPET said Ms Field was leaving to pursue “new challenges” after four years in the job. Company secretary Larry Davies is now acting CEO pending the appointment of a permanent successor. The suddenness of the departure caught the sector by surprise, but ACPET chairman Martin Cass said it was entirely her decision to leave to pursue other opportunities and … [Read more...]