26 January 2016
604 Australians have been recognised with Orders of Australia on Australia Day 2016. As always, members of the tertiary education sector featured strongly in the honours list, with 77 awards (81 in 2015), particularly in the upper categories. People associated with the tertiary sector received 4 out of the 11 Companion awards (36%), 24 out of 45 Officer awards (53%), 36 of 174 Member awards (20.6%), for 27.4% of the higher awards (33% in 2015) . In the most common category, Medal of the order, only 15 of 374 awards were tertiary sector related people (3.7%). Women continue to be under represented with 40% of all awards, mainly in the Medal category; still, that’s up from 33% in 2015. Only two of the tertiary sector awards were to people in the VET sector (excluding the two chancellors of dual sector universities who received AM awards).
Australia Day Honours 2016: For women, getting nominated is the hard part
In the Australian honours system appointments to the Order of Australia confer recognition for outstanding achievement and service. The order has four levels :
- The Companion of the Order of Australia is awarded for “eminent achievement and merit of the highest degree in service” to Australia or humanity at large.
- The Officer of the Order is awarded for “distinguished service”.
- The Member of the Order is awarded for “significant service”.
- The Medal of the Order is awarded for “service”.
Dr Susan Marie ALBERTI AO
For eminent service to the community, particularly through philanthropic and fundraising support for a range of medical research, education and sporting organisations, as an advocate for improved health care services for the disadvantaged, and to young women as a role model and mentor. Chairman of the Susan Alberti Medical Research Foundation. Life Governor of the Walter and Eliza Hall Research Institute Melbourne, Australia. Life Governor of International Diabetes Institute. Life Governor of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Australia.
Professor Chennupati JAGADISH
For eminent service to physics and engineering, particularly in the field of nanotechnology, to education as a leading academic, researcher, author and mentor, and through executive roles with national and international scientific advisory institutions. Distinguished Professor, Head of Semiconductor Optoelectronics and Nanotechnology Group, Australian National University
Emeritus Professor Mary Josephine O’KANE
For eminent service to science and engineering, as a contributor to national policy development and governance, to the promotion of technology research and future energy supply, to higher education, and as a role model for young scientists. NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer, since 2008.
Emeritus Professor Robert Arthur OUVRIER OAM
For eminent service to medicine, particularly to the discipline of paediatric neurology, through pioneering efforts in neuromuscular research, to a range of medical professional organisations at the national and international level, and as an author and educator. Inaugural Petre Foundation Professor of Paediatric Neurology, University of Sydney, 2001-2013.
Professor Marilyn Anne ANDERSON
For distinguished service to science, and to higher education, particularly to biochemistry and molecular biology, as an academic and researcher, and to professional associations. Professor, Department of Biochemistry, La Trobe University, since 2004
Mr John Gavan BREEN
For distinguished service to the Indigenous community through the preservation of languages, to the development of orthographies, and to education. Independent Linguist, Institute for Aboriginal Development, since 1981 and Principal Researcher, Arandic Languages Dictionary Program, 1984-1991.
The late Emeritus Professor Christopher Noel CANDLIN
For distinguished service to higher education, particularly in the fields of linguistics and communication research, and as an academic, teacher and mentor. Emeritus Professor, Department of Linguistics from 2011; Professor of Linguistics, 2002-2010 and 1987-1998, Macquarie University.
Professor David Leon COPOLOV OAM
For distinguished service to tertiary education administration, to medicine in the field of psychiatry, to mental health research, and to the community. Pro Vice-Chancellor, Major Campuses and Student Engagement, since 2009 Professor of Psychiatry, since 1996, Monash University.
Professor Minas Theodore CORONEO
For distinguished service to ophthalmology, to the research and development of innovative surgical technologies and devices, and to eye health in regional and Indigenous communities. Professor of Ophthalmology, since 1994, University of New South Wales.
Emeritus Professor Peter David DRYSDALE AM
For distinguished service to Australia-Asia trade and economic relations, particularly with Japan, to public policy development, to education, and as a mentor of young economists. Emeritus Professor of Economics and Visiting Fellow, Crawford School of Public Policy, since 2004. Professor of Economics, Research School of Asia and the Pacific, 1998-2003, Australian National University.
Professor Henry Isaac ERGAS
For distinguished service to infrastructure economics, and to higher education, to public policy development and review, and as a supporter of emerging artists. Service includes: Inaugural Professor of Infrastructure Economics, SMART Research Centre, since 2009, University of Wollongong.
Emeritus Professor Ann Margaret HARDING
For distinguished service to education in the field of applied economics and social policy analysis, as an academic, researcher and author, and to professional organisations. Emeritus Professor, since 2014,; Professor of Applied Economics and Social Policy, 1993-2014, University of Canberra.
Emeritus Professor Douglas Edgar JOSHUA AM
For distinguished service to medicine, and to medical education, as an haematologist and academic, to myeloma research, and to public health organisations. Emeritus Professor in Haematology, since 2014; Alan Ng Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney, 1996-2014.
Emeritus Professor Gwendolen Anne JULL
For distinguished service to medical education in the field of physiotherapy, as an academic, researcher and administrator, and to professional associations. Emeritus Professor, since 2013. Postgraduate Coordinator, 2009-2012; Professor of Physiotherapy, 2004-2012, University of Queensland. Honorary Professorial Fellow, Anaesthesia, Perioperative and Pain Medicine Unit and Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, since 2013.
Professor Katherine (Kate) LESLIE
For distinguished service to medicine in the field of anaesthesia and pain management as a clinician and researcher, to higher education, and to professional medical groups. Head of Research, Department of Anaesthesia and Pain Management, Royal Melbourne Hospital, since 2003. Honorary Professorial Fellow, Anaesthesia, Perioperative and Pain Medicine Unit and Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, since 2013, The University of Melbourne.
Professor Warwick James McKIBBIN
For distinguished service to education as an economist, particularly in the area of global climate policy, and to financial institutions and international organisations. Vice-Chancellor’s Chair in Public Policy and Director, Centre for Applied Macroeconomics Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, College of Asia and the Pacific, since 1993, Australian National University.
Professor Finlay Alistair MACRAE
For distinguished service to medicine in the field of gastroenterology and genomic disorders as a clinician and academic, and to human health through the Human Variome Project. Principal Fellow, Department of Medicine, The University of Melbourne, since 2000 and Deputy Director, Genomic Disorders Research Centre (HVP). Professor and Honorary Physician, Central Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University.
Professor Leon MANN
For distinguished service to the humanities and social sciences, to tertiary education and professional organisations, and to Jewish history and culture. Founding Director, Research Leadership Unit, Melbourne Research Office, since 2009. Co-Creator, Research Mentors Program, 2010. Founding Director, Centre for Research and Development Leadership, 2003-2008. Founding Chair, Advisory Board, Centre for Jewish History and Culture, 2008-2015 Professorial Fellow, School of Psychological Sciences, since 2003. Pratt Family Professor of Leadership and Decision Making, Melbourne Business School, 1991- 2002. University of Melbourne.
Dr Jonathon Craig MUDGE
For distinguished service to science, particularly through pioneering initiatives in the information technology sector, as a researcher and author, and as a mentor of young scientists. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO): Research Fellow, Strategic Initiatives, CSIRO, Sydney, Adelaide, since 2012. Director, CSIRO/Flinders Joint Resource Centre for Info Tech, 1990-1994. Chief Research Scientist, 1983-1984. Founder and Head, Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Program, 1980-1984. Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) : Fellow, 1985. Chairman, Working Group on Cloud Computing at Peta-scale, since 2008. Member, Research Report Steering Committee, ‘Smart Technology for Healthy Longevity’, 2010. Adjunct Professor, Collaborative Cloud Computing Lab, University of Adelaide, 2009- 2012. Professor of Innovation, Macquarie University, New South Wales, 2005-2007. Foundation Professor, Computer Science, Flinders University, South Australia,1990- 1994.
Professor Robyn Elizabeth O’HEHIR
For distinguished service to clinical immunology and respiratory medicine as an academic and clinician, to tertiary education, and to specialist health and medical organisations. Professor and Head, Department of Allergy, Clinical Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, since 2003 and Deputy Head, Central Clinical School, since 2013, Monash University.
Professor Eleanor Joan OZANNE-SMITH
For distinguished service to public health, particularly in the area of accident and injury prevention, to forensic medicine, and to higher education as an academic. Director, Victorian Injury Surveillance System, 1990-1997. Chair of Injury Prevention, Monash University Accident Research Centre, 1998-2004. Research Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, since 2004, Monash University.
Mr George PAPPAS
For distinguished service to the community through roles with tertiary education, medical research and defence organisations, and to business, particularly management consulting. Chancellor, Victoria University, since 2010. Chairman, Dean’s Advisory Board, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University, 2008-2010.
Dr Michael Charles PRYLES AM
For distinguished service to the law in the area of arbitration, at the national and international level, and to legal education as an academic and author. Henry Bournes Higgins Professor of Law, Monash University, 1986-1988. Adjunct Professor, Murdoch University, Western Australia, ‘no dates’. Adjunct Professor, University of Queensland, ‘no dates’. Professorial Associate, University of Melbourne, ‘no dates’. Adjunct Professor, Bond University, Queensland, ‘no dates’.
Professor Peter David SLY
For distinguished service to medical research and education in the area of paediatric respiratory medicine, as an academic, author, and clinician, and to professional organisations. Deputy Director, Queensland Children’s Medical Research Institute, University of Queensland, since 2010 and Director, Children’s Health and Environment Program, current. Professor of Paediatrics, Centre for Child Health Research, University of Western Australia, 2000-2009 and Adjunct Professor, since 2010.
Emeritus Professor Susan Hilary SPENCE
For distinguished service to mental health research, particularly to prevention and treatment in young people, to tertiary education, and as a mentor. Griffith University: Professor Emeritus, Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention and School of Applied Psychology, since 2014; Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic, 2009-2014; Pro Vice Chancellor, Learning and Student Outcomes, 2007-2009, Griffith University.
Professor Susan Mary STOCKLMAYER AM
For distinguished service to science communication and education through the development of academic outreach programs and public awareness initiatives, both nationally and internationally. Director, National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science, since 1998; Professor of Science Communication, Australian National University.
The late Professor Nicholas Antony TONTI-FILIPPINI
For distinguished service to tertiary education, particularly in the area of bioethics, through academic leadership and advisory roles, and to medical research. Bioethics, Health and Research: Head of Bioethics and Associate Dean, John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family, 2003- 2014 and Associate Dean, 2005-2014.
Dr Patricia Arlene VICKERS RICH
For distinguished service to the earth sciences, particularly palaeontology, as an academic, to education curriculum development, and to international scientific organisations. Emerita Professor, Chair in Palaeontology, Faculty of Science, School of Geosciences, 2013. Department Head, Earth Sciences, 1992-1993. Director, PrimeSCI!, Monash University, current and Foundation Director, Monash Science Centre, 1993-2012.
Professor Mari Angela BOTTI
For significant service to nursing, and to medical education, as an academic and author, and to pain management research. Deakin University: Alfred Deakin Professor in Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Faculty of Health, since 2012, Deakin University . Epworth Chair of Nursing, since 2004 and Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery, since 1998.
For significant service to the literary arts as an author and publisher, to the television industry as a producer, and to tertiary education. Senior Research Fellow and Associate Professor, Department of Modern History, Politics and International Relations, since 2005, Macquarie University. Honorary Fellow, 2015.
For significant service to the law, to legal education, to labour and employment relations, and to professional legal bodies. Adjunct Associate Professor, Work and Organisational Studies, School of Business, Sydney University, ongoing. Chairman, Board of Governors, Australian College of Law, since 2008. Board Director, Colleges of Law, New Zealand, Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia, ongoing.
Associate Professor David Alan CHERRY
For significant service to golf through executive roles, and to pain management medicine as an academic and researcher. Associate Professor, Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine, Anaesthesia, Flinders University, current and Senior Lecturer, since 1982.
Dr Barry James CHESSON
For significant service to the community in the field of occupational health science, to professional associations, and to tertiary education. Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Public Health, Curtin University, ‘no dates’. Member, Advisory Board, Postgraduate OHS Studies, Edith Cowan University, ‘no dates’.
Emeritus Professor John Charles COLL
For significant service to tertiary education as an administrator, academic and researcher, to the environment, and to the community. Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Research and International, Australian Catholic University (Sydney), 2000-2006 and Pro Vice-Chancellor, Academic, 1996-2000 and Honorary Emeritus Professor, 2006. Honorary Associate, School of Chemistry, University of Tasmania, since 2007.
Dr Marion Molly de LEMOS
For significant service to education, and to youth, particularly to students with learning difficulties, and as a researcher and author. Chief Research Officer, Australian Council for Educational Research, 1972-1985 and Senior Research Fellow, 1985-2001 and Researcher, 1967-2001.
Professor Carol Ann DICKENSON
For significant service to tertiary education as a senior administrator, and to professional academic standards and development. Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor, since 2012; University Registrar, including Head of Division of Administrative Services; Secretary to University Council, 2002-2011, Queensland University of Technology:
Emeritus Professor Norman Thomas FEATHER
For significant service to higher education as an academic, author and editor, to the social and behavioural sciences, and to professional bodies. Foundation Professor, School of Psychology, 1970 – 2000; Emeritus Professor, since 2000, Flinders University.
Professor Jeffrey Ronald FLACK
For significant service to medicine in the field of endocrinology as a clinician, and to diabetes research, management and education. Head, Endocrinologist, Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Diabetes Centre, Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital, since 1992.
Dr Mary Christine FOLEY
For significant service to public administration in New South Wales, particularly to the health care sector, to education, and to the community. Adjunct Professor, School of Science and Health, since 2010; Deputy Chancellor, 2007-2009; Chair, Strategy and Resources Committee, University of Western Sydney.
Mr Ronald Carl FRITSCHY
For significant service to higher education governance and administration in Queensland, and to the mining and resources sectors. Chancellor, since 2004; Deputy Chancellor, 2001-2003; Member, Governing Council, 1996-2001, CQUniversity.
Professor Mark FRYDENBERG
For significant service to medicine as a clinician, educator and author in the speciality of urology, and to professional medical organisations. Clinical Professor, Department of Surgery, Southern Clinical School, Monash Health, since 2012 and Clinical Associate Professor, 1997-2012, Monash University . Clinical Professor, Clinical Director, Prostate Research Group, Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, since 2012. Chair, Department of Urology, Monash Health, since 1997.
Dr David William GOODALL
For significant service to science as an academic, researcher and author in the area of plant ecology and natural resources management. Honorary Research Associate, Centre for Ecosystem Management, Edith Cowan University, since 1998. Honorary Research Fellow, Division of Land Resources Management, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, 1979-1998; Senior Principal Research Scientist, 1974-1979; Senior Principal Research Scientist, Division of Mathematical Statistics, 1961-1967; Senior Principal Research Scientist, Division of Plant Science, 1956-1961; Director, Tobacco Research Institute Mareeba, 1956-1961. Professor of Systems Ecology, Ecology Centre, Utah State University, 1968-1974; Director, International Desert Biome Program. Professor of Biological Sciences, University of California, 1967-1968.
For significant service to education as an academic and researcher, as an advocate for teacher professional learning, and as a mentor. Honorary Professor, Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney, since 1995 and Convenor, Coalition of Knowledge Building Schools, since 2001 and Academic and Researcher, 1976-1995.
Mr Peter Francis HAYES
For significant service to the Australian winemaking and grape growing industry, to viticultural research, and to tertiary education. Deputy Chancellor, Charles Sturt University, current. Council Member, since 2007. Chair, Finance and Infrastructure Committee. Deputy Chair, Chancellor’s Committee. Deputy Chair, Succession Planning Committee. Member, Course Advisory Committee, Viticulture and Wine Science, 1995-2013
Professor Karen Elizabeth HEALY
For significant service to community welfare in the field of social work, particularly child protection, and to higher education and research. Professor of Social Work, Deputy Head of School and Discipline Leader for Social Work, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, since 2015; Professor and Research Director, School of Social Work and Human Services, 2009- 2014, University of Queensland.
Associate Professor Andrew Ian HILL
For significant service to education as a visual artist and academic, to multiculturalism, and through innovative art programs for young refugees. Director, South Australian School of Art, 2011-2014. Associate Head, School of Art, Architecture and Design, 2010-2014, University of South Australia.
Dr Ralph Harold HULTGRE
For significant service to the arts, particularly music education, as an academic, composer and publisher, and to professional organisations. Service includes: Head, Open Conservatorium, 2001-2013; Conductor, Conservatorium Wind Orchestra. Lecturer, Music and Music Education, Queensland Conservatorium of Music, Griffith University.
Mr Kim Lindsay JACOBS
For significant service to business through a range of senior roles, to Australia-Israel relations, to higher education, and to the community. Member, Business School Advisory Board, University of Technology Sydney, since 2013. Director, Weizmann Australia Institute of Science, 2010-2011. Director, Shalom Institute, University of New South Wales, 2000-2003.
Professor Hartmut KAEBERNICK
For significant service to the manufacturing sciences through the promotion and advancement of life cycle engineering product design.: Chair, Sir James Kirby Professor of Manufacturing Engineering, 1991-2008; Head of School, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, 2003-2008, University of New South Wales.
Dr John Francis KEELER
For significant service to tertiary legal education in South Australia as a senior academic and author, and as a mentor of law students. Adjunct Associate Professor of Law, since 2003; Head of Department, 1993-1994 and 1987; Dean of Law, 1990 and 1975-1976; Acting Dean, 1994 and 1974; Associate Dean, 1998 and 1977-1979; Associate Professor, 1973-2002, University of Adelaide.
Professor Philip KUCHEL
For significant service to science in the field of biochemistry, as an academic, author and researcher, and to professional organisations. Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry, School of Molecular Bioscience, since 2013; McCaughey Professor of Biochemistry, 1999-2010; Chair of Biochemistry (alternating), 1981-2010 and Professor of Biochemistry, 1980-2013, University of Sydney.
Professor Gustav Isaac LEHRER
For significant service to tertiary mathematics education as an academic and researcher, and to professional and community groups. Professor of Pure Mathematics, since 1990, University of Sydney.
Professor David John MABBERLEY
For significant service to horticultural science, particularly to plant taxonomy and tropical botany, as an academic, researcher and author. Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust, Sydney. Executive Director, 2011-2013. Honorary Research Associate, 1996-2005 and since 2013. Adjunct Professor, Macquarie University, Sydney, since 2015. Adjunct Professor, University of Western Sydney, 2004-2010. Extraordinary Professor, Leiden University, The Netherlands, since 1995. Orin and Althea Soest Chair in Horticultural Science, University of Washington, Seattle USA and Director, University of Washington Botanic Gardens, 2004-2008.
Emeritus Professor Kevin Malcolm McCONKEY
For significant service to tertiary education administration, to the field of psychology as an academic, and to professional associations. Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic and Global Relations, 2009-2013; Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic, 2006-2009, University of Newcastle. Emeritus Professor, current. President, Academic Board, 1999-2004; Member, University Council, 1999-2004; Head, School of Psychology, 1993-1999, University of New South Wales.
Emeritus Professor John Warwick NEVILE
For significant service to tertiary education, particularly economics, as an academic and author, and to professional organisations. Emeritus Professor and Visiting Professor of Economics, since 1993; Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Economics, 1982-1989; Professor of Economics, 1965-1992,University of New South Wales.
Dr Oswald Marino PETRUCCO RFD
For significant service to medicine and education in the field of obstetrics, human reproduction, and child health, and to professional groups. Member, Emeritus Faculty, Robinson Research Institute; Deputy Head, REPROMED, (a fertility clinic owned by the University of Adelaide), 2003-2005; Senior Lecturer, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1973-2006; Clinical Associate Professor, since 2006, University of Adelaide.
Mr Ian Frederick PYMAN
For significant service to the community, particularly through leadership of education and health organisations, and to the law. : Deputy Chancellor, 2010-2014, and Council Member, 2005-2014, Monash University.
Dr Richard James SAWERS
For significant service to dentistry as a clinician, educator, and to professional dental associations. Clinical Lecturer, Restorative Dentistry, Adelaide Dental School, since 2009, University of Adelaide.
Professor Ego SEEMAN
For significant service to medicine, as a researcher in the fields of osteoporosis and endocrinology, and as a clinician and academic. Professor of Medicine and Endocrinologist, Austin Health, University of Melbourne, over 30 years.
Dr Kerry SMITH
For significant service to library and information sectors as an academic and researcher, and to professional organisations. Lecturer, 1991-2002; Senior Lecturer, 2003-2009; Associate Professor 2010-2012; Library Studies Head, Library Studies, 1996-1999; Deputy Head School of Media and Information 2001-2002; Head, School of Media, Culture and Creative Arts, 2003-2005; Coordinator, Information Studies, 2006-2008; Head Department of Information Studies, 2008-2011, Curtin University.
Associate Professor Bruce Fraser WALKER
For significant service to the chiropractic and osteopathic professions through education and the development of professional organisations. Head, Chiropractic program and Associate Dean (Research), School of Health Professions, Murdoch University, commenced approximately 2006; Member, Course Advisory Committee, School of Health Professions, current; Member, Human Ethics Committee, 2006-2014. Adjunct Senior Lecturer, School of Medicine, James Cook University (no dates). Member, Course Advisory Committee, School of Chiropractic and Osteopathy, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, approximately 1980s-1990s.
Associate Professor David Oliver WATSON
For significant service to medicine, and to medical education, to professional organisations, and to the community. Associate Professor, School of Medicine, since 2007, University of Notre Dame.
Associate Professor Julian WHITE
For significant service to medicine, particularly in the field of toxinology, through clinical and leadership roles, and to professional groups. Founding Fellow, Australasian College of Tropical Medicine, 1992. Co-founder, Clinical Toxinology Short Course, University of Adelaide, 1997.
Associate Professor Michael Clifford WOODWARD
For significant service to medicine, particularly aged care, geriatric medical research, and Alzheimer’s disease, as an author, and to professional groups. Associate Professor, University of Melbourne.
Professor James William DENHAM
For service to medicine, and to medical research. Conjoint Professor, School of Medicine and Public Health, since 1992, University of Newcastle.
Mr Russell Henry ELLIOTT
For service to tertiary education as an administrator. Vice-President of Services, Monash University, since 2008. Vice-Principal, Property and Campus Services, University of Melbourne, 2005-2007 and Consultant, since 2008.
Ms Lynne Mary FOLEY
For service to technical and further education in Queensland. Institute Director, Brisbane North Institute of TAFE, 2008-2014 (now known as TAFE Queensland Brisbane). Council Member, Central Queensland Institute of TAFE, 2003-2008.
Dr Stephen GIUGNI
For service to the communications industry through research, and to volleyball. Deputy Director, Minerals Down Under Flagship, 2011-2014, CSIRO. Chief Executive Officer, Tasmanian ICT Centre, 2006-2011. Deputy Director, ICT Centre, 2004-2006. Foundation Acting Director, 2003-2004. Assistant Chief, Telecommunications and Industrial Physics, 2002-2003. Member, Tasmanian Government Science and Research Advisory Group, 2009-2015. Academic Specialist, Computing and Information Systems, since 2015, .University of Melbourne. Adjunct Professor, School of Computing and Information Systems, 2006-2011, University of Tasmania.
For service to medicine, and to population health. Principal Fellow, School of Population Health, since 2005; Principal Fellow, School of Medicine, since 1999, University of Melbourne.
Dr Ronald Frederick HOLT
For service to tertiary education, particularly in foreign languages. Associate Professor and Head of Languages, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, 1996-2005. Honorary Fellow, Australian Catholic University. Associate Professor, Charles Sturt University, 1990’s.
Mr Maxwell Lloyd JELBART
For service to the dairy industry, and to the community. Director, Marcus Oldham College, since 1997
Dr Warren Frederick MARKS
For service to education. Educational Consultant, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, The University of Melbourne, since 2012. Practicum Supervisor, Newcastle University, 2007 – 2008. Educator and Practicum Supervisor, Mitchell College of Advanced Education, 11 years.
Professor Kathryn Margaret REFSHAUGE
For service to physiotherapy, and to medical education. Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, since 2012 and Deputy Dean, 2009-2012. Professorial Chair of Physiotherapy, current, University of Sydney.
Professor John Rowland COLE
For service to the environment, to higher education, and to the community. Founding Executive Director, Institute for Resilient Regions, University of Southern Queensland, current. Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research and Innovation, University of Southern Queensland, 2012. Founding Director, Australian Centre for Sustainable Business and Development, University of Southern Queensland, 2009-2012. Honorary Professor, University of Queensland Business School, current.
Mr James Kenneth RUSSELL
For service to engineering, and to the community. Head, Department of Manufacturing, (formerly Production Engineering), 1969-1989; Deputy Dean, Faculty of Engineering, 1989-1991; Chairman, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, 1989-1991 ,Swinburne University of Technology. Board Member, Standing Committee on Manufacturing Courses, TAFE Victoria,
Adjunct Associate Professor Rashmi SHARMA
For service to medicine, and to professional organisations. Adjunct Associate Professor, since 2013; Senior Lecturer, 2010-2013 and Clinical Skills Tutor, 2007-2009 and GP Supervisor, Medical School, since 2005, Australian National University.
Mr Wallace John TAYLOR
For service to the information technology sector, and to rural development. Foundation Professor, Community Informatics and the Information Society, Cape Peninsular University of Technology, South Africa, 2004-2007. Honorary Professor, University of the West Indies.
The late Dr Shirley Marie WATT
For service to tertiary education, and to the community. Service includes: Academic, Department of Physiology, University of Western Australia, 1981 – 1992.
Dr Edward William WEAVER
For service to medicine, and to medical education. Deputy Head of Clinical School, School of Medicine, since 2012 and Associate Professor, University of Queensland
Ms Jillian Ruth WELLS
For service to medical research and community organisations. Founder, Cure MS Committee, since 1997, fundraising for multiple sclerosis research. In 2010 Ms Wells transferred the activities of the committee to Monash University, and the University developed the Cure MS Fellowship in Neurological Diseases.