TAFE higher education reform push gathers pace TDA has continued its advocacy to encourage key federal crossbench Senators to support the government’s higher education reforms. Education Minister Christopher Pyne has introduced legislation which will be debated when parliament returns in February. TDA Acting CEO Malcolm White has met with Senators over recent weeks. He also discussed the position of TAFE higher education students in an ABC radio interview on Life Matters this week. Also on the program, Professor Peter Noonan from The Mitchell Institute at Victoria University agreed that TAFE higher education students deserved the same Commonwealth funding as those at … [Read more...]
Victorian Year 12 results 2014

15 December 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Almost 83,000 Victorian students have received their Year 12 results, 47,000 of whom also received an ATAR. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… This year, 49,204 students – 26,259 female students and 22,945 male students – have graduated with their Victorian Certificate of Education and 47,032 secondary school students have received an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank. 14,728 students received a study score of 40 or more in at least one subject. Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre director Catherine Wills noted that the average ATAR for girls was 64.4 and for boys it was 62.2. However, at the highest … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update 15 December 2014
In Focus Lies Damn Lies and statistics Edition 584, 15 Dec It is time in the current public critique to reflect on a training system's fit for purpose. While we all have our own views on this dimension, we must first look at the data. The latest fun facts from my good friends at NCVER include: 87.9% of VET graduates are employed or are in further study, 82.4% of graduates fully or partially achieved their reason for study, 87.6% are satisfied with their training, 89.9% are satisfied with teaching, and 89.1% are satisfied with assessment. If we ponder these results for a moment, it is difficult to conclude anything except the sector is performing. There are of … [Read more...]